Attendance Allowance in care homes | Eligibility and how to claim

Attendance Allowance

What is Attendance Allowance?

Attendance Allowance is a benefit for people with a long-term mental or physical illness or disability who have reached State Pension age or have a terminal illness (meaning they have 12 months or less to live), and need someone to look after them. Care needs can include help with daily living, such as getting washed and dressed, preparing meals or taking medication.

You may be eligible to claim Attendance Allowance in a care home. This depends on whether you are a self-funder or funded by your local authority.

The benefit is not means tested. It is tax-free and is paid regardless of your income and savings. However, your local authority may include it in their Needs Assessment when they decide whether they should contribute to the costs of your care.

Although you are required to need care to be eligible for Attendance Allowance, you don’t need to be receiving care at the time of your application in order to be successful. 

How much is Attendance Allowance in 2024/25?

There are two different rates of Attendance Allowance. Which one you get depends on the level of care that you need due to your illness or disability. The amount is paid weekly into your bank account.

  • Lower rate: £72.65
  • Higher rate: £108.55

How much is Attendance Allowance in 2025/26?

  • Lower rate: £73.90
  • Higher rate: £110.40

If you need frequent help or constant supervision during the day, or supervision at night, you will get the lower rate.

If you need help or supervision during both the day and night, or if you are terminally ill (a medical professional has said you might have 12 months or less to live), you will get the higher rate.


You can make a claim if you have any type of disability as the benefit is based on the help you need. For example, you can make a claim if you have sight or hearing impairments, arthritis, a learning disability, mental health issues or dementia.

To qualify, you must have reached State Pension age and meet the criteria below:

  • You must need help to look after yourself due to a physical or mental disability. Your disability must be severe enough so you need help caring for yourself or supervision for your own or someone else’s safety.
  • You must have had the disability or illness at least six months, unless you are terminally ill.
  • You must be in Great Britain when you claim. There are some exceptions, such as members and family members of the armed forces.
  • You must have been in Great Britain for at least two of the last three years. This does not apply if you’re a refugee or have humanitarian protection status.
  • Attendance Allowance is not available to people in Scotland. As everyone over the age of 65 who have been assessed as needing it by their local authority is entitled to free personal care.
  • You must be habitually resident in the UK, Ireland, Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
  • You must not be subject to immigration control (unless you’re a sponsored immigrant).
  • You won’t be able to get Attendance Allowance if you already receive  Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Adult Disability Payment (ADP).

Help with personal care

This can include:

  • Washing
  • Dressing
  • Eating
  • Communicating
  • Using the toilet

You may need supervision if you need someone to:

  • Ensure you take medicines or have treatment
  • Keeping you away from danger
  • Stopping you from hurting yourself or others

You may need both personal care and supervision if you:

  • Have no control over your arms and legs or have difficulties moving them
  • If you are in pain
  • Have mental health problems or behaviour difficulties

A formal diagnosis is not required to be eligible for Attendance Allowance as long as you have needed help and supervision due to your condition for six months.

You must live in the UK when you make a claim and must also be where you normally live and where you have usually lived for six months in the last year.

Terminal illness

If you have a terminal illness it does not matter how long you have had your illness for and you can claim straight away if you fulfil the criteria. There is no requirement of having lived in the UK for the last six months if you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Can you claim Attendance Allowance in a care home?

You can claim Attendance Allowance if you are a self-funder and pay for all care home costs on your own.

You cannot usually get Attendance Allowance if you live in a care home and your care is paid for by your local authority.

If you live in a nursing home and only receive NHS-funded nursing care (FNC) to help with costs, Attendance Allowance will continue to be paid. However if you are receiving Continuing Healthcare (CHC), your Attendance Allowance will stop after 28 days of getting CHC.

If you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, you can still receive Attendance Allowance if you live in a hospice.


In Scotland, everyone over the age of 65 is entitled to free personal care regardless of their income if their local authority’s assessment determines that they need it. This means Attendance Allowance is unavailable to care home residents in Scotland.

Claiming Attendance Allowance

Claiming Attendance Allowance has no negative effect on other benefits. It may instead increase the amount you can get from other benefits, meaning you could get extra Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or a Council Tax Reduction if you get Attendance Allowance.

To apply for Attendance Allowance, download and print the claim form if you are in England, Wales and Scotland.

There is a different claim form if you live in Northern Ireland.

Even if you must have had the disability or illness for at least six months to be eligible, you can still apply before six months have passed. However, you will not receive payments before six months have passed.

Terminally ill

If you have been diagnosed as terminally ill, you do not have to wait six months and can claim Attendance Allowance straight away. The application process is fast and you will get a decision within two weeks.

If you need help with the application or have any other questions you can call the Attendance Allowance helpline on 0800 731 0122 (Textphone 0800 731 0317).

If you are in Northern Ireland, call the Disability and Carers Service on 0800 587 0912 (Textphone 0800 012 1574).

Visit our Care Home Fees Advice section to discover other ways to get help with care costs.

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What is Attendance Allowance?

Attendance Allowance is a benefit for people with a disability or terminal illness who have reached State Pension age and need frequent personal care or supervision. The benefit is non-means tested and tax-free. Care needs can include help with getting dressed, going to the toilet or keeping you safe from harm.

How much is Attendance Allowance?

Attendance Allowance is paid at two rates. The higher rate is £108.55 a week and the lower rate is £72.65 a week. To get the higher rate, you must need personal care or supervision during both day and night or have a terminal illness.

Can you keep Attendance Allowance in a care home?

You can still claim Attendance Allowance if you are a self-funder and pay for all your care home fees yourself. If your local authority contributes to care home costs, your Attendance Allowance payments will stop after 28 days.

How do you qualify for Attendance Allowance?

To be eligible for Attendance Allowance, you must have reached State Pension age and need help or supervision due to a disability or terminal illness. You can have a physical disability, mental disability or both. You must have had the disability or illness for at least six months, unless you are terminally ill.

How does Attendance Allowance affect other benefits?

Claiming Attendance Allowance has no negative effect on other benefits. It may instead increase the amount you can get from other benefits, such as Pension Credit or Council Tax Reduction.