Course Title: L3 Older Adult Instructor (Active IQ Accreditation)- Distance Learning
Category: Seated / Gentle Exercise
Price: £300 +VAT
Duration: 15-25 hours
Format: Distance Learning
Level: Qualifications and Credits Framework (QCF) L3
Certificate: Certificate of Achievement (Assessed Externally)
Provider: AllActive- Amacsports Ltd
Course Description
This Older Adult Instructor qualification will benefit your staff who are interested in planning and adapting exercise sessions for active older adult clients. It is a distance learning course.
Course Content
• recognise who ‘independently active, older people’ are in the population
• the ageing process and demographics
• the effects of ageing and inactivity on body systems, cognitive function/performance, psychological/emotional/social function and wellbeing
• the special considerations that must be taken into account when programming and delivering exercise for independently active, older people and the benefits of physical activity and exercise to them
• how to support and motivate the independently active, older adult in exercise and promote exercise for this section of the population
• the impact of ageing on the planning and delivery of safe exercise for independently active, older people
• the components of a pre-exercise consultation with independently active, older people
• how to plan and adapt exercise, and adapt session instruction, for independently active older people
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