Safeguarding of Vulnerable Children

Course Title: Safeguarding of Vulnerable Children

Category: Child Protection / Safeguarding Children

Price: POA

Duration: 3 Hours

Format: On Site (ie at your work place)

Minimum Participants: 2

Maximum Participants: 15

Level: Awareness

Certificate: Certificate of Attendance

Provider: Healthwise Training & Consultancy Ltd

Course Description

The Safeguarding of Vulnerable Children course is mandatory for all people working in children’s services. This course highlights that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and provides learners with an understanding of abuse and neglect. Learners will be able to recognise signs and indicators of abuse and know how to respond to and report a disclosure or concern of abuse.

Enquire about this Course

Enquire by Email by completing the following form:

(ie Mr, Ms, Dr)