Falls Awareness

Course Title: Falls Awareness

Course Reference: Falls Awareness

Category: Other - Safe Working Skills

Price: Pricing From 47p per user

Duration: 1 – 2 hours

Format: E-Learning

Level: Awareness

Certificate: Certificate of Achievement (Assessed by Provider)

Provider: Careskills Academy

Course Description

Course Aims:
This eLearning course is designed to enable you to increase your awareness of how to help an individual reduce their risk of slipping, tripping and falling.
The course begins by defining what is meant by a fall, before outlining statistics on the negative impact of falls for older people and others in the care sector. The course then explains the term ‘multifactorial assessment’ in relation to falls and explains what should be included in a multifactorial assessment. Learners are then informed about different hazards that can increase the risk of a fall and are required to identify potential hazards in a simulated environment.
In the third stage, the course describes the importance of strength and exercise programmes, and outlines the guidelines for their implementation. The course then describes different aids and adaptations that can be used to help prevent falls and explains how eyesight, medication and bladder and bowel problems can increase the risk.
In the final stage, the learner is informed about what to do if an individual does have a fall, including advice to give if the individual is on their own. They are also informed about the importance of recording falls, and the post-incident review.
Learning Outcomes:
The learning outcomes for this course are:
Define what is meant by a fall and the negative impact of falls;
Define the term ‘multifactorial assessment’ and know what should be included in a multifactorial assessment;
Identify different hazards in the environment that can increase the risk of a fall;
Outline different multifactorial interventions including strength and exercise programmes, aids and adaptations;
Outline know how eyesight, medication and bladder and bowel problems can increase the risk of falls;
Know how to respond if an individual falls in your work environment.

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