0.5 Nutrition & Hydration (including M.U.S.T.)

Course Title: 0.5 Nutrition & Hydration (including M.U.S.T.)

Category: Nutrition & Hydration

Price: POA

Duration: 3 Hours

Format: On Site (ie at your work place)

Minimum Participants: 2

Maximum Participants: 15

Level: Awareness

Certificate: Certificate of Achievement (Assessed by Provider)

Provider: Howe2 Training & Consultancy Ltd

Course Description

There are a large number of people within the health and social care sector (adults at risk) who are deemed more at risk of malnutrition and dehydration. There are multiple reasons why this is and this course offers full understanding (and potential actions) for all learners. The course includes:
- Definitions of nutrition, diet, balanced diet, malnutrition and dehydration
- How nutritional needs can change
- Factors that can affect dietary intake and choice
- Identification of all food groups
- Explore foods that aid healing
- Understand fluid balance and hydration
- How to encourage food and fluid intake
- Utilisation of the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (M.U.S.T.)
Based on various levels of sector experiences (both adult & children's services). We also offer a large number of other courses. We are extremely competitive on prices and discounts are available on multiple bookings. Bespoke packages are available that can include your policies & procedures, codes of practice etc. All courses are statutory and regulatory mapped

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