0.5 Infection Prevention and Control Awareness

Course Title: 0.5 Infection Prevention and Control Awareness

Category: Infection Control and Prevention / Hygiene

Price: POA

Duration: 3 Hours

Format: On Site (ie at your work place)

Minimum Participants: 2

Maximum Participants: 15

Level: Awareness

Certificate: Certificate of Achievement (Assessed by Provider)

Provider: Howe2 Training & Consultancy Ltd

Course Description

Within health and social care, there are more people at risk (adults at risk) who are far more susceptible to contracting infections. This can be for a number of reasons. This course offers comprehensive information regarding "gold standard" infection prevention and control. The course includes:
- An overview of infection control measures that should always be adhered to
- The reinforcement and implementation of effective hand washing techniques
- The most common types of infections found in health and social care
- The chain of infection
- Personal Protective Equipment
- The dangers of blood and other bodily fluids
- The importance of decontamination of equipment
- The routes of transmission
- Infectious Agents
- Relevant legislation
Based on various levels of sector experiences (both adult & children's services. We also offer a large number of other courses. We are extremely competitive on prices and discounts are available on multiple bookings. Bespoke packages are available that can include your policies & procedures, codes of practice etc. All courses are statutory and regulatory mapped

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