Care Homes Owned by Hafod Care Homes

7.5 Group Review Score (the average from all locations with a review score)
  • Care Homes Owned by Hafod Care Homes

Hafod Care Homes Locations (2)


2 Care Homes owned by Hafod Care Homes

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Hafod Nursing Home

9/11 Anchorage Road, Sutton Coldfield B74 2PR 

6.8 5 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Nursing
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia
  • Physical Disability
  • Palliative Care
  • Younger Adults
  • Sensory Impairment
  • Substance Misuse
  • 29 Rooms
Hafod Residential Home

14 Anchorage Road, Sutton Coldfield B74 2PR 

8.2 2 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Residential
  • Older Person Care
  • Physical Disability
  • Mental Health
  • Younger Adults
  • 16 Rooms

Hafod Care Homes Reviews (7)

Hafod Care Homes has a Group Review Score of 7.5 (7.509) out of 10. The Group Review Score is calculated using the average from all locations with a Review Score, and in addition 75%+ of all locations belonging to Hafod Care Homes must have a Review Score.

Overall Experience

  • 4
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0
  • 2

Date Published

Review of

Hafod Nursing Home

from D V (Resident) published on 6 March 2025
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 3.0 out of 5

Everything at Hafod Nursing home was fine. However, the staff majority are from foreign countries and are used for cheap labour as opposed to quality. I felt awkward regarding having to ask for assistance at the home. The one time I was told off for putting my buzzer on every 5 minutes. The truth was
I had only put my buzzer on twice in that 12 hour shift. I complained about that member of staff. Subsequently, she was banned from being involved with anything to do with my personal care. She was a nasty piece of works. Otherwise, the home wasn't too bad of a place to be.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Hafod Nursing Home

from Carol B (Daughter of Resident) published on 30 January 2025
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Mom has been a resident for nearly a year now, on every occasion I have visited I couldn't be happier with the service and care provided to ensure my mom gets the best attention possible. My mom is blind and has mobility issues but is happy and comfortable there with the help she receives. Just a big
thank you to all the staff, including kitchen and laundry who make a difference, to not only moms stay there but also to us visiting, keep up the great work.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Hafod Nursing Home

from David M (Power of Attorney of Resident) published on 20 September 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The resident has been in both the Hafod homes for five years and was moved to the nursing side at 9/11 Anchorage Road nearly a year ago, following a number of falls at the other address.
Since being moved, I have noticed a considerable amount of attendance by staff on all the residents which means
that the resident is getting the best care and supervision. She is happy in her surroundings and gets on well with everybody.
As a regular visitor, I too am made very welcome, and nothing is too much bother for the staff. I take our with me, and she is also made very welcome.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Hafod Residential Home

from M B (Sister of Resident) published on 10 September 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My sister has been a resident here for a few years now. The home and the staff have always looked after her and she has always been happy here.
Recently my sister was in hospital and needed a lot of patience and care to get her back on her feet which she got from the staff here. We can't thank the
staff enough for their hard work.
Always made welcome when we visit with a cup of tea and they keep in touch by phone.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Hafod Nursing Home

from Dionne S (Sister of Resident) published on 3 May 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

My sister was sent to this care home temporarily, she was there for 12 months. I visited quite a bit, other residents were seen wearing her clothes and vice versa. Her regular physio was not happen, she cried when we left, causing great upset. I tried to complain multiple times to a nurse and others
but was ignored. The nurse refused us access claiming I was aggressive and scared staff before Christmas and it was the first time my sister was without her family her son a paramedic was present. I did not once threaten or act aggressively, I just wanted the best for my sister. The Manager lied during the Best Interest meeting stating that I “shouted” at my sister - creating tension between the both of us, my sister is unable to speak! The consultant had to intervene and correct her, she cried every time when we left, not when we arrived.
This Care Home is inhumane and does not treat people equally. Individual staff do their best but the management is appalling. Your family deserves better.

Reply from Anthony Perry, Proprietor at Hafod Nursing Home

We do not wish to comment on the actions of the family as this would not be professional. In relation to the care provided at Hafod the allegations are totally unsubstantiated and refuted. We are regulated in line with the local and national guidance. Care staff and management are extremely dedicated and go the extra mile for all the residents in out care.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Hafod Nursing Home

from Julie R (Daughter-in-law of Resident) published on 1 October 2021
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

My father-in-law was put in this home due to an emergency situation during COVID. From the very beginning, they did not do what they said they were going to do. They were very obstructive and even abusive at times both over the phone and face to face. They made out I was a trouble maker and even lied
about why I couldn’t visit. My father-in-law just wanted to see us and I know it was difficult due to COVID restrictions, however, when things opened up they made it very awkward to visit. He was very unhappy and became depressed. He was often other people’s clothes, unshaven and they even gave the wrong food. It was mashed up like a baby as they had the wrong diet written down for him. This was observed when my daughter was accidentally allowed up to his room, where she found him slumped in bed with food that looked like slops and his teeth were found moldy in a container. They lost his other teeth and broke three pairs of glasses. We are still waiting for the monies to be refunded.

Reply from Anthony Perry, Proprietor at Hafod Nursing Home

Concerns raised have been dealt with individually and involving outside agency. Care at Hafod is tailored to the individual client and care plans are developed in conjunction with the wider multi-disciplinary team. Hafod Care Organisation is always happy to receive feedback and lines of communication are always open. The care given is based on factual contemporaneous information. Opinions however are subjective and would ask this be taken into account when viewing this feedback.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Hafod Residential Home

from Zahida K (Niece of Resident) published on 5 March 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My uncle has dementia (verbally abusive), schizophrenia, incontinence and reoccurring pneumonia, due to issues with swallowing (all his food must be pureed and he needs supervision eating). My uncle stayed with Hafod (14 Anchorage Road B74 2PR) for 10 days following a personal family emergency. Every
person in this home was lovely - clearly it's more than a job for them. Thank you all for the care and support you gave my uncle and my family during a very difficult time. I would recommend this home to everyone.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (0)








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Frequently Asked Questions about Hafod Care Homes

How many Care Homes does Hafod Care Homes own?

Hafod Care Homes own 2 Care Homes.

Which Hafod Care Homes Care Homes have the highest review score?

Hafod Residential Home & Hafod Nursing Home have the highest review score.