Care Home Owned by St Philips Care Group in Jersey

9.3 Group Review Score (the average from all locations with a review score)

Only the locations & reviews in Jersey for St Philips Care Group are showing below.

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St Philips Care Group Locations in Jersey (1)


1 Care Home owned by St Philips Care Group in Jersey

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Highlands Care Home

La Rue du Froid Vent, St Saviour, Jersey JE2 7LJ 

7.5 7 reviews
"All very friendly and obliging. I go very often to see my relation and they all make it feel that it’s home from home. It’s a shame it so…"   Read all 7 reviews
Location Type Care Home

Highlands Care Centre Highlands Care Centre is a place that you can call home, whether you are looking for supported independence or require more hands on care. With their approach, whatever your needs are, they will be met. Their 43-bed Highlands… Read more about Highlands Care Home

  • Care Provided
  • Residential
  • Older Person Care
  • Learning Disability
  • Short Term/Respite
  • Physical Disability
  • Palliative Care
  • Mental Health
  • Younger Adults
  • 45 Rooms

St Philips Care Group Reviews in Jersey (7)

St Philips Care Group has a Group Review Score of 9.3 (9.293) out of 10. The Group Review Score is calculated using the average from all locations with a Review Score, and in addition 75%+ of all locations belonging to St Philips Care Group must have a Review Score.

Overall Experience

  • 4
  • 1
  • 2
  • 0
  • 0

Date Published

Review of

Highlands Care Home

from H R (Sister of Resident) published on 25 July 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

All very friendly and obliging. I go very often to see my relation and they all make it feel that it’s home from home. It’s a shame it so short-staffed they so rushed off their feet and also more activities and outings could be arranged.

Reply from Ann Farrow, Regional Manager at Highlands Care Home

Thank you for taking the time to leave your review of Highlands.
I will pass your comments on to the home manager.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Highlands Care Home

from A L (Sister of Resident) published on 25 July 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

All are very friendly and very caring. I do feel that on this review security and safety are together safety is excellent but security is poor with many personal items and money have been stolen out of the resident's rooms which is unfortunate but disgusting, therefore strongly feel more action with
this is needed to be put in place.
Meal options are to be reviewed for those who need to watch their calorie intake.

Reply from Ann Farrow, Regional Manager at Highlands Care Home

Thank you for taking the time to review Highlands.
St Philips Care strives to achieve and maintain an excellent level of care and support for all of our residents and I apologise that this has not been yours and your relative experience of Highlands.
I would ask that you please contact the home manager to discuss the issues you have raised within your review as the safety and security of our residents are paramount and all feedback is welcomed to ensure we are able to continuously improve our service.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Highlands Care Home

from J B (IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocate) Deputyship) published on 28 February 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The team at Highlands are exceptional. The manager and her staff are fully invested in supporting their residents and it has been a pleasure to see how dedicated and caring they are. I look forward to continuing to work with them.

Reply from Ann Farrow, Regional Manager at Highlands Care Home

Thank you for your wonderful review; I know how much this will mean to the manager and the team at Highlands.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Highlands Care Home

from Janine L (Respite Resident) published on 25 January 2021
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 3.0 out of 5

I have been residing here for four months awaiting a flat. I think the staff do their best and are very attentive, but being allocated to the residents for showering and care is not always at set times. I have had several times when I've had to wait until late morning for a shower. I have mobility problems
but can still drive, I am very independent with doing my own shopping, and tidying my flat, doing the dishes, etc. I get very frustrated at having to wait for a shower. There are a lot of things that need repairing when I've asked over and over again. I am not sure why it is called a Luxury Care Home, as that it isn't. The flats are nice but basic. The food is adequate but could do with specials, the same menus week in week out. The laundry, well I would not advise wearing anything of good quality as it will be ruined, either shrunk or baggy. I am situated by the main access door, after complaining for some time, it was properly fixed.

Reply from Ann Farrow, Home Manager at Highlands Care Home

Thank you for your review. I am sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with the service you are receiving. I very much welcome an opportunity to discuss your concerns at your earliest convenience to ensure a swift resolution can be achieved.
We appreciate you taking the time to submit your review and find reviews an invaluable tool to ensure consistent care and support within our service.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Highlands Care Home

from C T (Resident) assisted by family/friend published on 11 September 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 3.0 out of 5

The staff are friendly. There aren't any activities as far as I know but if I do arrange any myself outside the home they do organise travel.
The food is satisfactory, soup is literally half a cup, ingredients of meals are cheap quality and there are never any special meals i.e. steak dinner (something
fancy now again would be nice). You're only supposed to ask for milk and bread on Mondays and Friday which would be fine if you got enough to last that long and had a good memory, not good if you don't remember what day it is or that you need some but this is not a strict rule.
Would be nice to have a satellite dish to get satellite TV. This is a luxury care home, expect more for the price.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Highlands Care Home

from S J (Mother of Resident) published on 7 September 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Finally! A care home that has provided my son with a safe, happy and beautiful home. What a delight this care home is. The staff are well trained, and their obvious job satisfaction is evident, always willing to keep and ensure their first priority are those they care for. The management takes every
effort to ensure that a happy environment is essential. Thank you!


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Highlands Care Home

from S C (Resident) published on 2 September 2020
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

I have been living in 'Highlands' for several months. Whilst I hope to move into my own accommodation in the near future; the care and consideration shown to me by the staff are beyond compassion. I would very happily recommend Highlands to any prospective occupant and a valuable asset to the community.
Long may it prosper and blossom even further.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (2)



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