Care Homes Owned by Capulet Care in Staffordshire

  • Care Homes Owned by Capulet Care in Staffordshire

Capulet Care Locations in Staffordshire (2)


2 Care Homes owned by Capulet Care in Staffordshire

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Woodford House Nursing Home

The Green, Trysull, Wolverhampton WV5 7HW 

2 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Nursing
  • Older Person Care
  • Dementia
  • Short Term/Respite
  • Physical Disability
  • Palliative Care
  • Mental Health
  • Detention under Mental Health Act
  • 40 Rooms
Perton Manor

Wrottesley Park Road, Perton, Wolverhampton WV8 2HE 

3 reviews
  • Care Provided
  • Nursing
  • Older Person Care
  • Learning Disability
  • Dementia
  • Physical Disability
  • Palliative Care
  • Mental Health
  • Younger Adults
  • Sensory Impairment
  • Eating Disorders
  • Substance Misuse
  • 50 Rooms

Capulet Care Reviews in Staffordshire (5)

Reviews Posted for members of Capulet Care

Overall Experience

  • 4
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0

Date Published

Review of

Woodford House Nursing Home

from John L (Brother of Resident) published on 23 November 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 2.0 out of 5

I find Woodford House Nursing Home meets current government legislation and guidelines for the care of the residents in their care. However, I find a major problem with communication between some management and staff. Also following up and providing feedback on complaints is very ad-hoc I find there
is confusion when booking appointments for visitors or hospital consultations and errors regarding paperwork. When I have complained formally regarding this I received a corporate verbal apology not written and an assurance this will not happen again. It does happen again and yet another apology. I have concerns regarding health and safety in certain areas and have addressed these concerns with the manager. I feel the building and security is reminiscent of a 1980s institutional centre and has not really come onto the 21st century regarding vision, scope and development for the future needs of the residents and client needs.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Woodford House Nursing Home

from L W (Wife of Resident) published on 22 August 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My husband has been a resident at Woodford House for several years with complex needs.
All the staff, nurses, carers, reception, catering staff, cleaners, laundry staff and handyman all work hard to make Woodford a happy, caring environment for our loved ones to live in, under very difficult circumstances
at times.
The home manager and staff member who deals with the dementia pathways, who works between another home in the group and Woodford do an excellent job in explaining and sorting out any problems that arise. Calls are made to me to inform me of any problems or issues that arise with my husband, which I find very reassuring.
The well-being team work well with the residents with music, walks and various activity programs.
No home is perfect but everyone at Woodford tries their best to make this a happy loving home for our loved ones. I have to admit for myself an open and honest relationship with the management team is a bonus.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Perton Manor

from C P (Wife of Resident) published on 7 April 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My husband has been in Perton since May 2021 and the care he has received has been excellent. I would not have coped without the support the staff have given me over this time, especially during these difficult times.
My husbands behaviour has been extremely challenging and the staff have dealt with
him with care and understanding of his needs.
They senior staff have always told me the truth and although this has been difficult to accept at times I have appreciated their honesty.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Perton Manor

from Stuart S (Son of Resident) published on 6 April 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Dad has been in Perton Manor since late August, when he transferred from a different home, due to that home not being able to care for Dad.

In the 6 months that Dad has been at Perton, he has moved back towards a Dad that I can recognise. The therapeutic approach of Perton Manor has placed an emphasis

on understanding his condition, what he enjoys, and has tailored an approach to getting him active and engaged. He goes for walks several times a day (with a carer), and with restrictions, lifting went on a visit to a local nature reserve.

Dad has come off his anti-psychotics as a result of the interventions at Perton Manor, and he is no longer the aggressive, agitated, unsocial and unhappy man that he was at the previous care home. Dad laughs and dances with his carers, and has some quality of life again. We as his family are so happy with the change in Dad since he has been with Perton Manor. We have been supported by the Home in Dad's journey, and would highly recommend Perton Manor.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Perton Manor

from Carol P (Daughter of Resident) published on 19 December 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Our mother was a resident at Perton Manor from July 2015 until she passed away in October 2016 at the age of 91 from mixed dementia.

Perton Manor is an excellent care home and the staff are so highly trained in the care of dementia etc.

What we found was a most loving, caring environment. The

staff are simply brilliant at what they do, sometimes under extremely trying circumstances. There are lots of care staff, activity staff and two nurses on duty. The home is spotlessly clean, beds are changed daily.

The activities team were great, doing different daily activities from crafts, outdoor activities to pampering.

My sister and I were very happy with our mum's care. We knew she was very loved and this came across from all staff. We were able to come and go as we pleased and was always made very welcome.

We have nothing negative to say about Perton Manor Nursing Home and would highly recommend to anyone looking for a home for a loved one with dementia.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (0)








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