Care Home Owned by Brighthelm Care in Northamptonshire

8.9 Group Review Score (the average from all locations with a review score)
  • Care Home Owned by Brighthelm Care in Northamptonshire

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Brighthelm Care Locations in Northamptonshire (1)


1 Care Home owned by Brighthelm Care in Northamptonshire

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Beaumont Nursing Home

8 Gipsy Lane, Kettering NN16 8TY 

7.2 17 reviews
Location Type Care Home

Beaumont is a substantial Victorian building set in one acre of beautifully landscaped gardens in the heart of Kettering Northamptonshire. The home has on-site parking facilities and easy access is provided via bus or rail. The home prides itself… Read more about Beaumont Nursing Home

  • Care Provided
  • Nursing
  • Older Person Care
  • Short Term/Respite
  • Physical Disability
  • Palliative Care
  • 28 Rooms from £1,200 / week

Brighthelm Care Reviews in Northamptonshire (17)

Brighthelm Care has a Group Review Score of 8.9 (8.869) out of 10. The Group Review Score is calculated using the average from all locations with a Review Score, and in addition 75%+ of all locations belonging to Brighthelm Care must have a Review Score.

Overall Experience

  • 14
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • 2

Date Published

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Linda V (Sister of Resident) published on 12 January 2024
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My brother passed away on the 4th of March after spending 8 weeks with you. I cannot fault Beaumont at all. My brother had learning difficulties. Staff treated him with dignity and compassion, right up until he passed away.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from R C (Daughter of Resident) published on 21 November 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My mother was only at the Beaumont for a few days, but as a family, we were very impressed with the quality of her care, how great all of the staff were and the serenity of the surroundings. If only she could have got there sooner. My mother was treated with the utmost dignity and respect in her final
days. Thank you.

Reply from Joanne James, Area Manager at Beaumont Nursing Home

Many thanks for your kind words. We are pleased we met with your expectations of the care of your mother. We aim to maintain our standards and continue to deliver a high standard of care.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from T C (Daughter of Resident) published on 28 June 2023
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

I wouldn't recommend this home, my dad was in there for 3 weeks, when he went in he could walk with a walking frame, when he left 3 weeks later to go back into hospital he couldn't walk, and he passed away a week later.
He also got a severe telling off for ringing his buzzer too much, and on 2 occasions
when I went to see him his buzzer wasn't in reach. He also got told one afternoon not to ring his buzzer until 4pm as the staff had training. While he was there he had only 1 shower, and never saw anyone for activities. Also, there are no communal lounges.

Reply from Joanne James, Area Manager at Beaumont Nursing Home

Your father was admitted on a temporary basis as a discharge to assess patient with a view to source a permanent place elsewhere. Your father could transfer only with a Zimmer frame as was the case when he was admitted to hospital due to adverse blood tests and multiple co-morbidity's. During your father's stay you made no complaints and actually requested he remain at the home.
Following his admission to hospital you made several accusations to relevant bodies alleging neglect/acts of omission. Following an investigation concerning your accusations these were found to be unsubstantiated. He was on a call bell chart, this is common practice to evidence funding. The activity co-ordinators log evidence the input he received was according with his wishes and needs. He was comfortable in his room and never once asked to go into one of our 2 lounges or conservatory.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Sally O (Daughter of Resident) published on 29 August 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

The staff are really friendly and keep me updated at all times regarding my dad's health and wellbeing. He is very happy to be at the home. He loves the food. His hygiene is so much better now he is getting help and support. He has a lovely room with a TV and his own sink and toilet. It was recently
decorated. The staff always laugh and joke with him which he loves. They try to encourage him with activities but he quite likes his own space in his own room.

Reply from Joanne James, Area Manager at Beaumont Nursing Home

Many thanks for the review. We are happy to hear you are satisfied with the care given to your dad.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Benjamin D (Son of Resident) published on 24 August 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My mother has been a resident here for nearly two years now. She has received nothing but kind and compassionate care from the staff at the home. She is treated with dignity and respect, and staff have made adjustments for her dietary needs (vegetarian) making sure she has a good choice of food healthy
food that she can manage to eat herself. She has formed a good relationship with all her carers and the manager who regularly chats with my mother. Communication has been absolutely brilliant with the staff who have kept me and my family regularly updated with Dr visits etc. The home is very clean and well maintained. This home has provided outstanding care and my mother is very happy here. As a family, we feel completely confident in my mother's care here

Reply from Joanne James, Area Manager at Beaumont Nursing Home

Many thanks for your lovely review. We are grateful for your appreciation of the care we deliver to your mum and our other clients and will endeavour to maintain our standards. We always aim to respect individual choices and beliefs. I am glad to hear we are meeting her dietary requirements and providing it in a manner that she can maintain independence in feeding herself. I will pass your kind words on to the team.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from B K (Daughter of Resident) published on 23 August 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My mum was admitted for end-of-life care. She also has Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. I have been very happy with Mum's care. She always looks clean and tidy and enjoys the view of trees outside her window. The staff are caring, knowledgeable and attentive. The home is clean and tidy. Although Covid
has previously led to strict restrictions and rules, it has been a credit in keeping it at bay. They work very hard to keep up the good work they are doing. The chefs appear to give a very nutritious and varied menu, so a clap for them too.

Reply from Joanne James, Area Manager at Beaumont Nursing Home

Manu thanks for your lovely review. We will endeavour to maintain our high standards in delivering care to all our clients.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Philip W (Resident) published on 23 August 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

I have been looked after fantastically well by attentive cheerful staff, where everything is not too much bother after being moved here from the hospital. Great fresh and varied meals over the week.

Reply from Joanne James, Area Manager at Beaumont Nursing Home

Many thanks for the review. We are glad you are happy with the care Beaumont offers.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Michelle P (Daughter of Resident) published on 22 August 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My mum has been in Beaumont Nursing Home since December after very bad care at the hospital. Since then, she has gained weight even though she is bed bound and can only have purified food. I have found the staff informative and friendly. They always know who you are and who you are there to see and
always have a smile on their face even though the job that they do is a hard job and, in my opinion, not highly recognised enough. The manager is always on hand for a chat if needed and runs the home excellently. I do not worry about my mum as I know she is safe and well cared for and would not hesitate to recommend Beaumont to others. The home is very clean and well cared for.

Reply from Joanne James, Area Manager at Beaumont Nursing Home

Many thanks for your kind words. We are grateful for your appreciation of the care we deliver to your Mum and our other clients and will endeavour to maintain our standards. I will pass your kind words on to the team.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Gary S (Son of Resident) published on 21 August 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My mother has been a resident at Beaumont Nursing Home for approximately a year now. She is bedbound and needs constant support. I have found the staff team to be consistent, caring and supportive of my mother and her needs. I rest easy knowing my mother is well cared for. So a genuine thank you to
the whole team, for what they continue to do at Beaumont for my mother.

Reply from Joanne James, Area Manager at Beaumont Nursing Home

Thank you for your very appreciative post. The team works hard to maintain high standards. I will pass your kind words onto them.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from J B (Daughter of Resident) published on 29 July 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

A ghost town, no one about, very rarely saw staff, rooms too small, facilities inadequate. No communal areas, my mother went from sitting out in a chair in the hospital to being left in a bed 24 hours a day, and the hospitals recommended physio exercises being ignored. The manager was very rude to both
my mother and some of her visitors. Please note - there is a complaint in progress.

Reply from Joanne James RGN, Area Manager Responsible Individual (RI) at Beaumont Nursing Home

The home has adequate staffing levels. This is evidenced by the completion of a national dependency tool. The room this client was in was of a size that met her medical needs. The home has 2 large-sized lounges and a large garden all of which are communal areas. Her pre-existing medical condition did not permit her to be sat in a chair and to do so would have put her at risk of further damage to the pre-existing damaged area. This was following the advice of the physiotherapist. She was assessed by the physiotherapist as having no mobility potential therefore no physio was put in place. Concerning the rudeness of the manager, this very much surprises me. We have received quite the opposite. Clients, relatives and the MDT are nothing but complimentary about the manager and her staff. The complaint has been thoroughly investigated by Northampton County Council and has been found to be "no risk identified and no action taken". All parties concerned were made aware of the outcome.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from G M (Wife of Resident) published on 3 June 2022
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My husband has a traumatic brain injust after having a cardiac arrest. Everyone is looking after him. They speak to him and treat him with dignity.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from R C (Son of Resident) published on 6 September 2019
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

An excellent home, well managed with staff attentive to the needs of residents. Beaumont has a close-knit staff team who make themselves known to residents and their family. They are very approachable and friendly. The atmosphere is both relaxed and efficient - a difficult combination to get right,
and Beaumont more than manages to achieve this.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from L T (Granddaughter of Resident) published on 7 May 2019
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Beaumont Nursing Home made an incredibly difficult time for us so much more pleasant and easier. The staff were all faultless, genuinely caring and friendly. The house is lovely and bright and the atmosphere is welcoming.
The house is bright and cheerful, and well cared for.
The care they gave to
our family and all visitors was really touching. I’m glad we found such a lovely place for my grandmothers last days. My only wish would have been for her to have more time there


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Andrew H (Son of Resident) published on 17 July 2018
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

Dad is comfortable and as happy as he's going to be.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from D B (Wife of Resident) published on 25 June 2018
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 4.0 out of 5

The staff are always cheerful and helpful despite having a stubborn resident. It's so good to hear them laughing amongst themselves.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Alison S (Daughter of Resident) published on 4 June 2018
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My mother has dementia. She has always been a gentle soul. Beaumont has offered a caring, home from home. All staff have become her friends due to them all having time to speak with her and be with her. The manager and Nursing staff have prepared and carried out her medical needs. Always acknowledging
her off days and constantly offering health reviews with her relatives.
Equipment is always available to make life easier, and she will receive care at the home. so hospital A and E visits can hopefully be avoided.
I would be happy suggesting Beaumont to others, the manager works alongside her staff, who are all of long standing. We even had chance to choose what we felt was missing in the home for the visiting relatives. A hot drink station was mentioned. The very next week we find the job has been done. Wonderful.
I would like to say a big Thankyou and say how much good care is appreciated.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Review of

Beaumont Nursing Home

from Kathryn K (Niece of Resident) published on 11 April 2016
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

I would just like to say thank you to all of the staff at Beaumont but in particular to the nurse who nursed my uncle in the last 10 days of his life. It gave us great comfort to know that he was being looked after so well. She was also very supportive to us during this very difficult time and really
couldn't have done more.
I have no hesitation recommending Beaumont to anyone who is in need of end of life nursing care for their loved ones.
Thank you.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money


Awards / Recognitions (0)








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