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"The website and staff were so helpful. They listened to my father's needs and wishes before sending me information on additional homes." Marylyn, January 2025
"The website and staff were so helpful. They listened to my father's needs and wishes before sending me information on additional homes." Marylyn, January 2025
At we take great pride in the quality and trustworthiness of our reviews.
Our review team have read every one of the 366,447 care home reviews before they were published on The team performs a number of checks to ensure the reviews comply with our review policy.
If a care home has received one or more reviews in the previous 2 years, a review score (a circular icon similar to above) will show on its search result listing and on its profile page.
The review score ranges from 10 (best) - 1 (worst). The score's algorithm takes into account the quantity, quality and recency of a care home's reviews and ratings.
We hope it provides care seekers with a simple, but powerful 'at a glance' metric. However we recommend reading every review if interested in a particular care home.
Our annual Care Home Awards recognises 20 of the top rated Care Homes in each region of the UK based on reviews from residents / service users and their family / friends.
View the 2025 Care Home Award WinnersOur annual care home group awards recognises groups/owners with the most top rated care home members.
View the 2025 Group Award WinnersThe review score shown is the average review score for all care homes in the relevant country, region or county. The review score is a proprietary score that ranges from 1 - 10 and takes into account review recency, quantity and overall rating value.
A nursing home is one that employs qualified nurses to deliver medical care, with at least one being on-site at all times. Nursing homes can be more expensive than care homes because they provide a higher level of care.
A residential care home is one where people can live permanently if they choose to; the homes provide accommodation and 24-hour care, and must also provide meals and activities. A residential care home is one that does not provide additional care, such as nursing or specialist care.
Old age or elderly care typically refers to care for people aged 65 and over. The care focuses around challenges faced as a natural part of old age, such as frailty, poorer sight and hearing, getting proper nutrition, enough social interaction and mental stimulation.
Residential care for people with learning disabilities aims to support them to be as independent as possible. They may live in a care home, shared home or their own property as part of a community, where staff are on hand to help them to maintain their room or home, do activities and attend work or education if they choose to.
Residential care for people with dementia supports them with daily living, provides a safe place for them to live and offers activities to stimulate their brain and boost self-esteem. Carers are specially trained in how to treat people with dementia with dignity and respect, how to help when they are confused and how to respond to challenging behaviour.
Short term is when somebody stays in a care home temporarily. This could be because they have been in hospital and are not yet ready to go home (convalescence care), or so that their carer can have a break (respite care).
Our guide is here to help answer your questions about care home funding.
A brief summary of who pays for what for a placement in a care home.
Information on who should get assessed, who carries out assessments and what is involved.
Details on the different types of care home and also other care options that are available.
Tips on finding a care home and checklist of questions to ask when looking for a care home.
How much you will pay for your care depends on where you live, what type of care you need, your savings and property and the care home provider.
When a local authority pays for a person's care home fees, they have to work within a budget. This means that, unless you have very specialist needs, you will probably need to choose a less expensive care home. is the leading UK Care Home Jobs Board.
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