Cottle Avenue, Off Berryfield Road, Bradford-on-Avon BA15 1FD 2.9 miles away
"I visited the home and everyone was so welcoming and friendly. It was a lovely room and the staff were very helpful, I would definitely…" Read all 160 reviews
Wiltshire Heights is an exceptional 63-bed care home in Bradford-on-Avon with a highly-trained, compassionate team on hand 24 hours a day to provide exceptional residential, dementia, nursing and respite care. Those living at Wiltshire Heights benefit… Read more about Wiltshire Heights Care Home
6 Station Road, Westbury BA13 3JH 4.2 miles away
"I am very pleased with the way my son is being cared for. The staff are so caring and he never bothers them unless he has to. He laughs…" Read all 95 reviews
Westbury Court Care & Nursing Home is located in the market town of Westbury close to Trowbridge and Frome. The care home provides the highest standards of residential, nursing, respite, palliative and dementia care. The highly trained staff team are… Read more about Westbury Court
West Ashton Road, Trowbridge BA14 6DW 0.5 miles away
"My mum wasn't looking forward to going into respite but she said the staff were lovely, friendly and helpful, the food was very good, the…" Read all 73 reviews
Trowbridge Oaks is a homely care home offering nursing, residential, palliative and respite care. The landscaped gardens at this well equipped modern home are fully wheelchair accessible and can be enjoyed by all residents on sunny days. A bright… Read more about Trowbridge Oaks Care Home