ncluded in fees:-
24 hour staff on duty
Support with personal care
In house activities programme
Meals & Refreshments (including visitors free of charge)
General maintenance
Excluded in fees:-
Beauty treatments
Continence products not supplied through NHS
Staff time for trips to medical appointments
Occasional charges for trips outside of the home i.e. theatre
(these prices are only a guideline, please contact White Hill House Residential Care Home to find out the exact price for your requirements)
You are free to visit at any time and there is no requirement to book ahead of visiting unless you would like to join a resident for a meal in the Summer House or Conservatory or stay overnight in the Summer House. If you would like to book in for a meal/overnight stay, please call the management team.
Parking available on the front drive
There are currently no reviews for White Hill House
Date: 25 Mar 2020
Care Quality Commission is responsible for the registration and inspection of social care services in England.
View Latest Report
Response by White Hill House to this inspection report
CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in
In Feb 2020 CQC Inspected White Hill House, our overall
rating was:
Requires Improvement, we acknowledged at the time
we had work to be done.
We created an action plan, addressing
our shortfalls, this action plan was fully completed.
The main
concern was the need for a new fire panel, while ours was working, it
was not up to L2 regulations.
If you would like a copy of our
action plan, please contact us and we are very happy to share what we
have done.
We have not been inspected since, so our rating
has not yet been re-assessed.
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