The home recognise the significant impact the closure to visitors during the pandemic has had on the Service Users, their families and on the staff and the home fully acknowledge that Service Users have the right to freedom of movement, including the right to see families and friends.
On the commence of the approach to 'Living with Covid', the home seek to balance the rights of Service Users with the duties and responsibilities of Nevin House and only ask that they are informed (via telephone call) of an intended visit. This will enable them to inform the Service User of the visit and prepare any Covid-19 testing/PPE/ Protocols, that may be required at the time of the visit.
Nevin House will seek to enable visiting wherever it is safe to do so, in line with government guidance and where proportionate steps can be managed. The home will ensure that there are clear channels of communication between all stakeholders in the event of any suspected or actual outbreak of COVID-19, or a suspected or known case of COVID-19 within Nevin House. Where national guidance dictates, visitor restrictions may need to be immediately implemented which suspend some of these enabling approaches and will include exclusion of any non-essential visitors. This will be implemented in a transparent manner with open and clear communication to Service Users and relevant family members.
There are no nationally set direct restrictions on visiting in care homes and all Service Users can nominate an essential caregiver who will have testing and use PPE in line with staff at Nevin House. An essential caregiver can enter Sytdaiyl Homes - Nevin House even in the event of an outbreak or during periods of isolation, providing they do not have COVID-19
Where the Service User has COVID-19, an essential caregiver may still visit in exceptional circumstances, such as at end of life or severe distress, providing the appropriate infection prevention and control measures are followed and consideration is given to the vulnerability and vaccination status of the essential caregiver. In some cases, a Service User may require support from more than one essential caregiver and this will be considered on an individual basis by Mrs Wendy Prince-Brown (Registered Manager)
Where Service Users lack the capacity to choose an essential caregiver, Nevin House will discuss the situation with an attorney, deputy, relative or friend to determine the Service User's best interests.
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Date: 25 Oct 2019
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