Frequently Asked Questions about Maison La Corderie
What types of Care is Maison La Corderie registered for?
Older Person Care & Respite Care are the registered (by the Care Quality Commission) categories of Care.
What additional types of Care does Maison La Corderie provide?
Day Care, Convalescent Care & Own GP if required are other types of care provided.
How many Rooms does Maison La Corderie have?
There are 32 Single Rooms and 1 Couple/Companion Room.
What are the Facilities & Services at Maison La Corderie?
Own Furniture if required, Smoking not permitted, Close to Local shops, Near Public Transport, Minibus or other transport, Lift, Wheelchair Access, Gardens, Residents Kitchenette, Phone Point in own room, Television point in own room & Residents Internet Access are some of the Facilities & Services.
How far is Maison La Corderie to the centre of Jersey?
3.4 mile(s) as the crow flies, distance by road may be significantly further.