Hay House

Broadclyst, Exeter EX5 3JL
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5 Reviews
  • Hay House, Exeter

Care Provided by Hay House

  • Primary Care Categories
  • Dementia
  • Detention Under Mental Health Act
  • Eating Disorders
  • Learning Disability
  • Mental Health Condition
  • No Medical Intervention
  • Older Person Care
  • Physical Disability
  • Substance Misuse
  • Care Types Provided
  • Dementia Nursing Care
  • For a maximum of 35 Service Users
  • Privately Owned
  • Care Offered
  • Alcohol Dependence (past or present)
  • Alzheimer's
  • Anorexia/Bulimia/Self Harming
  • Bipolar/Manic Depression
  • Cancer Care
  • Challenging Behaviour/Psychosis
  • Drug Dependence (past or present)
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Schizophrenia
  • Speech Impairment
  • Stroke
  • Visual Impairment
  • Other Care Provided
  • Day Care
  • Own GP if required

Good to Know

  • Owner
  • Chartbeech Ltd
  • Person in charge
  • Karen Davey (Manager)
  • Admission Criteria
    • Ages 50+
  • Room Information
    • Single Rooms (31)
    • Couples/Companion Rooms (2)
  • Care Home Design/Build
    • Purpose Built: No
    • Last Refurbishment: 2008

Funding & Fees Guide for Hay House

  • Funding Types Accepted
  • Self funding (Private)
  • Local Authority
  • NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Funding
  • Weekly Charges per Person
    • Self-Funded Nursing Dementia Care from £1,500
  • (these prices are only a guideline, please contact Hay House to find out the exact price for your requirements)


  • Gardens
  • Lift
  • Minibus or other transport
  • Near Public Transport
  • Own Furniture if required
  • Pet Friendly (or by arrangement)
  • Phone Point in own room
  • Smoking not permitted
  • Television point in own room
  • Wheelchair Access

Hay House Reviews (5)

Over all time Hay House has 5 reviews.

Overall Experience

  • 3
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
  • 1

Date Published

Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My Uncle was moved to Hay House from another Nursing Home Via Hospital as it was felt that the previous nursing home no longer met his needs. Although my Uncle was not at Hay House long as he sadly passed away I could not fault the care and compassion that was shown to both my Uncle (resident) and my
Dad who was allowed to visit with covid safe restrictions in place. Extra visits to the normal schedule were accommodated as the end of life approached. The manager and her team do a fantastic job at making sure that the residents are cared for like we would wish our nearest and dearest to be looked after when we can no longer do this ourselves. Thank you are two very small words and don't seem big enough to express my gratitude for what you did for my Uncle and Dad.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My wife has been a resident at Hay House for two years. Unfortunately, she has Alzheimer's so visits have been challenging with the Covid-19 pandemic but the Home has always tried to accommodate my visits and never have my visits been cut short. I have even been able to be accompanied by a couple of
friends which seems to help everyone. She is always dressed in her clothes and not someone else’s which has happened elsewhere. Initially, there was a concern as to how my wife would react to me and my visits but now there are no concerns as she has made her life here. The staff are treated as friends too, which has made my life easier. There have been upgrades to the home both inside and out which seem to have a positive and calming effect on my wife. The staff have always kept me up to date on her health and well-being and periodically send me photographs including her partaking in activities. In conclusion, I feel that the staff care for their residents which is a relief to me.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

During lockdown the home/the manager has done everything possible to keep my mother and the other residents safe, in some instances restricting visits which is understandable.
Luckily my mother's 80th last May was in between lockdowns and I could visit. I went down with my family and spent some wonderful
hours with mum.
The home made my mother's day very special, with a special breakfast and Happy Birthday sang to her, they decorated the conservatory for mum with banners, it was wonderful. I ordered a birthday cake and took some food in and we had a party for her in the conservatory - it was really lovely.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Overall Experience  Overall Experience 1.0 out of 5

This used to be a vibrant caring nursing home, but sadly this is not the case now. I hope the owner of the home sits up and focuses on what a nursing home should be rather than count the gold! Monies should be going into employing qualified and experienced long-term carers, a home is only as good as
its carers, all the good ones have left. Rather than investing in fancy garden bits that remain unused, look at what other homes are doing in terms of recruitment, I cannot wait until my Mum is moved and we can start to sleep again.

Reply from Wade Newmark, Director and Owner at Hay House

We are sorry your experience of our home has not met with your expectations. I am proud of our team and despite the incredible challenges of the past 2 years, we continue to be a vibrant caring home. Like all owners, we have expended enormous time and resources ensuring the safety and comfort or our residents. All homes - including mine – have been stretched to the limit both financially and in our personnel. Your remarks are both unkind and considerably wide of the mark. The garden project was undertaken long before Covid hit and in response to the demands of our residents and families. This was funded through a legacy left to our home specifically for this purpose. It has bought enormous joy to our residents and their families. Regarding our staff: we have put significant resources into recruitment and will shortly obtain a Tier 2 Home Office accreditation ensuring security of staff numbers. You are more than welcome to visit us to discuss your concerns should you wish to.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Overall Experience  Overall Experience 2.0 out of 5

My stepfather was moved to Hay House December 2020. Covid and lockdown visits were very limited and not before March 2021. I often felt that I was an insignificant person in his life, and supervised during every visit. My stepdad went into a deep depression and hardly communicated again. I tried to
help this by making a communication board so he could point to what he wanted. It was never used. My main issue was his end of life after being sat with him for 40 minutes staff came in and said it was time to leave, when I questioned that this was exceptional circumstances I was told ' You are lucky you had that'. I felt the approach was unprofessional, rude and uncalled for. The two members of staff stood there waiting for me to leave and I had to ask for my private time with him to say goodbye. On leaving they said 'of course if he gets worse you can come back' - well he certainly wasn't getting any better! It was a degrading time for myself and my stepdad.

Reply from Melissa Cooper, Regional Operations Manager at Hay House

It saddens me to read of your experience with your late stepfather in our home last year. It is important to put this into context: we run a home specialising in extreme mental illness. Our residents are often unpredictable, easily upset and at times can present very challenging behaviour toward others. Our number one priority is to ensure the safety of our residents and their families. This means that visits are accompanied by our staff, for your protection and our residents' wellbeing. We, like all other homes, need to be mindful of the time we can allocate to accompanying visitors including all of the time taken up with infection control and protecting our home – and your stepfather – from Covid. We run a measured visiting programme by appointment and have done all we can to accommodate everyone, subject to staffing constraints and ensuring the home is safe. As the owner, I am more than happy to meet you as I am with any family member, whether they are unhappy or simply wish to catch up. Please feel free to arrange to see us next time you are in Exeter.


Care / Support


Treated with Dignity

Food & Drink




Safety / Security


Value for Money

Overview of Review Score


Care Quality Commission (CQC) Rating

Date: 18 Jan 2024


  • Caring

  • Effective

  • Responsive

  • Safe

  • Well-led


Care Quality Commission is responsible for the registration and inspection of social care services in England.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Hay House

What types of Care is Hay House registered for?

Older Person Care, Dementia, Eating Disorders, Learning Disability, Mental Health Condition, Physical Disability, Detention Under Mental Health Act, No Medical Intervention & Substance Misuse are the registered (by the Care Quality Commission) categories of Care.

What additional types of Care does Hay House provide?

Day Care & Own GP if required are other types of care provided.

How many Rooms does Hay House have?

There are 31 Single Rooms and 2 Couples/Companion Rooms.

What are the Facilities & Services at Hay House?

Own Furniture if required, Pet Friendly (or by arrangement), Smoking not permitted, Near Public Transport, Minibus or other transport, Lift, Wheelchair Access, Gardens, Phone Point in own room & Television point in own room are some of the Facilities & Services.

How far is Hay House to the centre of Exeter?

5.5 mile(s) as the crow flies, distance by road may be significantly further.