The Cottage Wing has a Review Score of 9.8 (9.810) out of 10, based on 28 reviews in the last 2 years. Over all time The Cottage Wing has 44 reviews.
Review from Andrew L (Resident) assisted by family/friend published on 15 October 2021
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Geoffrey P (Husband of Resident) published on 15 October 2021
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Allison T (Daughter of Resident) published on 13 October 2021
Submitted via Website •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Brian M (Respite Resident) published on 13 October 2021
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
The Review Score of 9.8 (9.810) out of 10 for The Cottage Wing is based on a) the Average Rating and b) the number of positive Reviews.
a) The Average Rating is 4.8 out of 5 from 28 Reviews in the last 24 months.
b) The score for the number of positive Reviews is 5.0 out of 5 from 28 positive Reviews in the last 24 months.
The maximum Review Score for a Care Home is 10, which is made up from the Average Rating of Reviews (maximum of 5 points) and the Number of Reviews (maximum of 5 points) in the last 24 months:
a) 5 Points are available for the Average Rating from all Reviews in the last 24 months.
The Average Rating of 4.810 for The Cottage Wing is calculated as follows: ( (236 Excellents x 5) + (43 Goods x 4) + (4 Satisfactorys x 3) + (1 Poors x 2) ) ÷ 284 Ratings = 4.81
b) 5 Points are available for the number of Positive Reviews in the last 24 months. A Positive Review is defined as any Review with an 'Overall Experience' of '4' or '5' (out of a max rating '5').
The 5 Points relating to the number of positive Reviews for The Cottage Wing is based on 28 positive Reviews in the last 24 months and is calculated as per below:
The 5 points available are broken down as follows:
i) 4 points are available for the first 10 Positive Reviews in the last 24 months; 3 points for the first Positive Review, and then 0.125 Points for each of the next four Positive Reviews and then 0.1 Points for the next five Positive Reviews. (1st = 3.000, 2nd = 0.125, 3rd = 0.125, 4th = 0.125, 5th = 0.125, 6th = 0.100, 7th = 0.100, 8th = 0.100, 9th = 0.100, 10th = 0.100) 3 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 4
ii) 1 point is available for the number of Positive Reviews reaching 20% of the registered maximum number of service users in the last 24 months. If this number is partially reached, then that proportion of 1 point is given. eg a Care Home registered for a maximum of 50 service users has to reach 10 Positive Reviews to receive 1 point, if it has 7 reviews it will receive 0.7 points. 20% of the 12 registered maximum number of service users is 2.4, which has been reached with 28 Positive reviews. Points = 1
When a Review is submitted by someone who has previously submitted a Review, only the latest Review will count towards the Review Score.
If a Care Home does not have a review in the last 24 months, then it will not have a Review Score.
Date: 21 Feb 2018
Care Quality Commission is responsible for the registration and inspection of social care services in England.
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Job Title: Bank Support Worker
Joined: 2017
Sharon is a long serving member of staff working as a Support Worker for Shaw healthcare since 2007.Previous to this Sharon worked at Barton Cottage Hospital since 2001. She has just retired from permanent hours and has joined the bank team.
Job Title: Bank Support Worker
Joined: 2018
Linda has worked for Shaw Healthcare since October 2007. This followed on from working at Barton Cottage Hospital since 2004. She retired from permanent hours to join our bank team in 2018.
Job Title: Bank Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2019
Louise has worked for Shaw Healthcare as a bank Team Leader since 2019. Previous to this she was in part time hours until 2014. She then rejoined the team in 2019 in this role.
Job Title: Bank Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2017
Mary has worked for Shaw healthcare at Barton Cottage since 2017 as a Bank Team Leader. Previous to this she was in part time hours and a Student Nurse Mentor from 2011.
Job Title: Service Administrator
Joined: 2015
Kate has worked at Barton Cottage since 2015. She provides essential support for the 2 managers 3 days per week on her job share role.
Job Title: Service Administrator
Joined: 2007
She has worked in her role as Administrator since Oct 2007. She job shares with her colleague Kate and is an essential part of the team.
Job Title: Service Manager
Joined: 2007
Julie is a long serving member of the team and has worked for Shaw since 2007 as Service Manager. Previous to this, Julie was the Clinical Nurse Manager at Barton Cottage Hospital where she began her career as a Bank Staff Nurse in 1989.
Job Title: Student on Placement
Joined: 2021
Keeley is a first year Student Nurse on placement with us since 3rd May 2021. Keeley has made an excellent start to her career and will be joining our bank SW team at the end of her placement.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2012
Berni has worked for Shaw Healthcare since 2012. She has progressed from working as Concierge in Barton Mews to developing her skills into the role of support worker, working on night duty in Barton Cottage.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2020
Samantha has worked for Shaw healthcare since Jan 2020 in a variety of roles. These include bank SW, part time SW, bank concierge and domestic. She is now on permanent nights at Barton Cottage working 21 hrs per week.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2021
Mandy is the newest addition to the team her at Barton Cottage starting her Support Worker role in June 2021. She has made an excellent start and has many skills which Mandy gained from her previous role working in a local residential care/nursing home.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2016
Sue has been part of Shaw healthcare since 2016 as a SW . Previous to this she was a SW working in the community for a private care agency. She has many years of experience under her belt.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2007
Linda is a long serving member of staff who has worked for Shaw Healthcare at Barton Cottage since 2007 as a Support Worker. Linda previously began her career at Barton Cottage Hospital in 2000 in full time hours.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2007
Gill is a long serving team member who has worked at Barton Cottage Hospital since 2004. She then moved over to Shaw Healthcare in Oct 2007. Previous to this she was a Support Worker working in the community providing care to the people of Barton.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2021
Amy is a relatively new member of staff joining as a Support Worker in March 2021. She works permanent nights which fits in well with the needs of her young family.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2017
Jackie has worked at Barton Cottage since 2017 as a SW. Prior to this she worked at Fauld Nursing home for 3 years where she progressed to unit leader.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2008
Donna started at Barton Cottage in Jan 2008 on our bank SW team. She progressed form this to working part time in 2011 and is now full time in this role.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2015
Ami joined Shaw healthcare in Oct 2015 working on permanent nights as a SW. More recently she has migrated on to days and increased her hours. Ami is busy planning her wedding for the 3rd time which has been delayed due to Covid 19 (big day 28.08.21 !)
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2015
Manda started her career with Shaw healthcare in August 2015. She has had several roles working in Barton Mews as part of the original Dom Care team. More recently she joined Barton Cottage team as a SW providing care to a variety of Service Users.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2008
Denise has been part of the team at Barton Cottage since June 2008. Previous to this Denise was working on a busy ward at Queens Hospital in Burton as a SW. Denise originally started on night duty but has now migrated to days.
Job Title: Support Worker
Joined: 2017
Katie started her career with Shaw Healthcare in March 2017. Being one of the youngest members of the team Katie has progressed very well. During this time she has also become a mum to Isaac who is now 3 yrs old.
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2007
Wendy originally started at Barton Cottage in 2004 and migrated over to Shaw in 2007. Wendy is also the nurse coordinator for the Adult Ability Team arranging respite care and conducting assessments and home visits for potential service users.
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2011
Gwen has been working at Barton Cottage for the last 10 years. Prior to this Gwen had worked for several Nursing agencies around the country. Gwen has a real interest in wound care and is able to advise the team on many occasions.
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2007
Dianne is a long serving member of the team and worked at the Barton Cottage Hospital as TL in charge of the Minor Injuries Unit from 2003. She joined Shaw healthcare in October 2007 working day/nights when the Cottage Hospital closed.
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2018
Caroline has worked for Shaw Healthcare since 2018, starting out as a bank TL and is now on permanent nights since April 2020. Caroline has a busy family life with football taking up most of her time with her sons participating in this.
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2015
Sharon joined the team at Barton in July 2015 and has previously worked overseas. She works permanent nights and more recently increased her hours covering some day shifts also. She likes to keep her mind busy and never sits back on her laurels.
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2009
Karen has worked at Barton Cottage since 2009 as a full time TL. During her time here Karen has taken on several other roles to include Acting Deputy Manager, MH Trainer and Student Nurse Mentor
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2018
Sue has worked at Barton Cottage since 2018 in her role as TL. Prior to this she was working as a Staff nurse at Rider House Nursing home since 2009.
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2007
Sylvia is a long serving member of the Barton Team, originally joining the team at Barton Cottage Hospital in 1998 - working permanent nights. Sylvia has a hectic family life assisting her son with his sheep and caring for an elderly relative.
Job Title: Team Leader Nursing
Joined: 2012
Helen has worked for Shaw Healthcare since Jan 2012 working on permanent nights. She has more recently moved over to days and always runs a tight ship ensuring the shift runs as smoothly as possible.