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Deanfield Care Home has a Review Score of 9.3 (9.312) out of 10, based on 13 reviews in the last 2 years. Over all time Deanfield Care Home has 84 reviews.
Review from A B (Daughter of Resident) published on 5 February 2016
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from D G (Son of Resident) published on 19 January 2016
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Lorraine G (Daughter of Resident) published on 26 November 2015
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Ann B (Daughter of Resident) published on 26 August 2015
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
The Review Score of 9.3 (9.312) out of 10 for Deanfield Care Home is based on a) the Average Rating and b) the number of positive Reviews.
a) The Average Rating is 4.3 out of 5 from 13 Reviews in the last 24 months.
b) The score for the number of positive Reviews is 5.0 out of 5 from 11 positive Reviews in the last 24 months.
The maximum Review Score for a Care Home is 10, which is made up from the Average Rating of Reviews (maximum of 5 points) and the Number of Reviews (maximum of 5 points) in the last 24 months:
a) 5 Points are available for the Average Rating from all Reviews in the last 24 months.
The Average Rating of 4.312 for Deanfield Care Home is calculated as follows: ( (84 Excellents x 5) + (50 Goods x 4) + (9 Satisfactorys x 3) + (6 Poors x 2) + (5 Very Poors x 1) ) ÷ 154 Ratings = 4.312
b) 5 Points are available for the number of Positive Reviews in the last 24 months. A Positive Review is defined as any Review with an 'Overall Experience' of '4' or '5' (out of a max rating '5').
The 5 Points relating to the number of positive Reviews for Deanfield Care Home is based on 11 positive Reviews in the last 24 months and is calculated as per below:
The 5 points available are broken down as follows:
i) 4 points are available for the first 10 Positive Reviews in the last 24 months; 3 points for the first Positive Review, and then 0.125 Points for each of the next four Positive Reviews and then 0.1 Points for the next five Positive Reviews. (1st = 3.000, 2nd = 0.125, 3rd = 0.125, 4th = 0.125, 5th = 0.125, 6th = 0.100, 7th = 0.100, 8th = 0.100, 9th = 0.100, 10th = 0.100) 3 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 4
ii) 1 point is available for the number of Positive Reviews reaching 20% of the registered maximum number of service users in the last 24 months. If this number is partially reached, then that proportion of 1 point is given. eg a Care Home registered for a maximum of 50 service users has to reach 10 Positive Reviews to receive 1 point, if it has 7 reviews it will receive 0.7 points. 20% of the 50 registered maximum number of service users is 10, which has been reached with 11 Positive reviews. Points = 1
When a Review is submitted by someone who has previously submitted a Review, only the latest Review will count towards the Review Score.
If a Care Home does not have a review in the last 24 months, then it will not have a Review Score.
Date: 28 Jun 2023
How well do we support people's wellbeing? |
(4) |
How good is our leadership? |
(4) |
How good is our staff team? |
(4) |
How good is our setting? |
(4) |
How well is care and support planned? |
(4) |
Care Inspectorate is responsible for the registration and inspection of social care services in Scotland.
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Job Title: Home Manager
Joined: 2023
I began my journey at Deanfield Care Home in June 2023 as Deputy Manager and subsequently, it was a great privilege to progress to the role of Home Manager.
With many years of experience in healthcare and nursing, my goal is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere and to ensure that residents, their families, our staff and visitors all feel at home.
The well-being and dignity of the residents are paramount, and we constantly strive to make sure that they experience the highest quality of life and receive the very best support and compassion.
Please come and say hello when you are visiting your loved ones. Together, we can continue to make Deanfield a wonderful place for everyone.