The food was lovely, the room was comfy, staff very friendly. Everyone was very supportive
A H (Daughter of Resident)
We enjoy our meals in the restaurant where they are very helpful.
Susan J (Wife of Resident)
They make my dad feel comfortable and happy, they go above and beyond with his care
S L (Daughter of Resident)
Free on-site parking.
The Lindsay Care Home has a Review Score of 9.9 (9.866) out of 10, based on 16 reviews in the last 2 years. Over all time The Lindsay Care Home has 121 reviews.
Review from David L (Son of Resident) published on 8 April 2016
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
The Review Score of 9.9 (9.866) out of 10 for The Lindsay Care Home is based on a) the Average Rating and b) the number of positive Reviews.
a) The Average Rating is 4.9 out of 5 from 16 Reviews in the last 24 months.
b) The score for the number of positive Reviews is 5.0 out of 5 from 16 positive Reviews in the last 24 months.
The maximum Review Score for a Care Home is 10, which is made up from the Average Rating of Reviews (maximum of 5 points) and the Number of Reviews (maximum of 5 points) in the last 24 months:
a) 5 Points are available for the Average Rating from all Reviews in the last 24 months.
The Average Rating of 4.866 for The Lindsay Care Home is calculated as follows: ( (166 Excellents x 5) + (17 Goods x 4) + (4 Satisfactorys x 3) ) ÷ 187 Ratings = 4.866
b) 5 Points are available for the number of Positive Reviews in the last 24 months. A Positive Review is defined as any Review with an 'Overall Experience' of '4' or '5' (out of a max rating '5').
The 5 Points relating to the number of positive Reviews for The Lindsay Care Home is based on 16 positive Reviews in the last 24 months and is calculated as per below:
The 5 points available are broken down as follows:
i) 4 points are available for the first 10 Positive Reviews in the last 24 months; 3 points for the first Positive Review, and then 0.125 Points for each of the next four Positive Reviews and then 0.1 Points for the next five Positive Reviews. (1st = 3.000, 2nd = 0.125, 3rd = 0.125, 4th = 0.125, 5th = 0.125, 6th = 0.100, 7th = 0.100, 8th = 0.100, 9th = 0.100, 10th = 0.100) 3 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 4
ii) 1 point is available for the number of Positive Reviews reaching 20% of the registered maximum number of service users in the last 24 months. If this number is partially reached, then that proportion of 1 point is given. eg a Care Home registered for a maximum of 50 service users has to reach 10 Positive Reviews to receive 1 point, if it has 7 reviews it will receive 0.7 points. 20% of the 70 registered maximum number of service users is 14, which has been reached with 16 Positive reviews. Points = 1
When a Review is submitted by someone who has previously submitted a Review, only the latest Review will count towards the Review Score.
If a Care Home does not have a review in the last 24 months, then it will not have a Review Score.
Date: 15 Dec 2023
Care Quality Commission is responsible for the registration and inspection of social care services in England.
View Latest Reportposted 17 Feb 2025
We provide nursing, residential and dementia care. Please contact us for latest vacancies.
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Job Title: Hairdresser/activities co-ordinator
Joined: 2015
After 15 years of working in a salon, a client who worked in the care home sector asked if I knew anyone who would like to work in a care home. After some thought, I said 'Yes, me!'. I like to make a difference and I feel the care home sector makes a massive difference. It is team-based and is a journey for staff, relatives and residents.
I love it when friends and relatives come in and see their loved ones looking fresh and happy.
Life is about family, making memories and remembering life is short. Outside of work, I love to spend time with my children and walking my dogs.
Job Title: Activities Co-ordinator
Joined: 2016
I have worked in care for a long period and joined Bupa in 2016, initially as a healthcare assistant and then more latterly as an activities coordinator.
I enjoy meeting people and really enjoy my current job role.
Outside of work, I have two adult children and six grandchildren.
Job Title: Receptionist
Joined: 2023
I joined The Lindsay as a receptionist in the summer of 2023.
Earlier on in my career, I worked as a TV studio administrator producing motivational and corporate videos. After I had my children, I returned to work as a teaching assistant followed by temporary roles as a receptionist.
I particularly enjoy caring for people and making them feel as happy as I can. I enjoy the interaction with residents and their families as well as doing administrative work.
I live locally with my English Pointer dog and two cats. My daughter is local so I see a lot of her. My son lives near Southampton and also has a Pointer.
I love to see friends and family and I enjoy walking, gardening, holidays and the beach.
Job Title: Resident Experience Manager
Joined: 2024
I first joined BUPA in June 2024. I have previously worked within activities and for the last 19 years have been a Care Home Manager. I have a passion for caring for others, specifically for caring for those with dementia. I am a dementia care trainer and also a Dementia Friends Ambassador! Outside of work I enjoy to spend time with my four children and 3 grandchildren. In my spare time I can be found taking my dogs for walks, supporting Norwich City or singing in my choir!
Job Title: Senior Activities Coordinator
Joined: 2021
I have worked for BUPA for three years in total, first as a Receptionist at another BUPA home and now as the Senior Activities Coordinator at The Lindsay. I adore working at the care home, getting to know the residents and making their daily life that bit brighter with our activities and care. I have been married to my husband for eight years and we live locally in Poole. In my spare time I enjoy the arts, gardening and spendig time with my friends.