St Margaret's Care Home has a Review Score of 9.9 (9.927) out of 10, based on 30 reviews in the last 2 years. Over all time St Margaret's Care Home has 87 reviews.
Review from Lauren M (Great-Niece of Resident) published on 29 March 2017
Submitted via Website •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Robbie M (Great-Nephew of Resident) published on 27 March 2017
Submitted via Website •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Tim S (Son of Resident) published on 26 January 2017
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Alison J (Sister-in-law of Resident) published on 6 January 2017
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Rodger J (Brother of Resident) published on 6 January 2017
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from John D (Brother of Resident) published on 27 July 2016
Submitted via Postal Card •
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Review from Lisa (Daughter of Resident) published on 6 July 2016
Submitted via Postal Card •
Reply from Bethany Gibbons, Marketing assistant at St Margaret's Care Home
Thank you very much for the feedback, we feel it is really important to hear the good comments and equally the not as good.
The new manager of St Margaret's is now in post. Lucy Duffin is an experienced manager with a track record for improving care home services. She is very passionate about person centred care and in particular activities based upon individuals preferences and individual goals. Lucy is meeting with activity leaders on a weekly basis and has also recruited a third activity leader for the home. In addition to this very positive news for St Margaret's residents, Lucy and the activities team have now introduced brighterkind’s Wishing Well scheme. The Wishing Well scheme is really centred around understanding our residents, finding out about their life story and getting to know the things they would really like to do, so that our caring team can help to make their wishes a reality – there have been some amazing success stories across brighterkind and the team are keen to get going with this in addition to the home’s daily activities programme.
The team at St Margaret's have been really wonderful in the period where they had a period of disrupted leadership, they showed real strength of character and passion for their roles. However, the feedback from the team since Lucy has arrived is positive. The team feel more settled and eager to grow in their roles. The feedback from Lucy is also very positive, she is really enjoying her time and is very focused on addressing any issues.
Care / Support
Treated with Dignity
Food & Drink
Safety / Security
Value for Money
Please note changes are only recorded per day, so if 2 or more changes occur in the same day, it will only show the result from all the changes, not an individual breakdown of all the changes
The Review Score of 9.9 (9.927) out of 10 for St Margaret's Care Home is based on a) the Average Rating and b) the number of positive Reviews.
a) The Average Rating is 4.9 out of 5 from 30 Reviews in the last 24 months.
b) The score for the number of positive Reviews is 5.0 out of 5 from 30 positive Reviews in the last 24 months.
The maximum Review Score for a Care Home is 10, which is made up from the Average Rating of Reviews (maximum of 5 points) and the Number of Reviews (maximum of 5 points) in the last 24 months:
a) 5 Points are available for the Average Rating from all Reviews in the last 24 months.
The Average Rating of 4.927 for St Margaret's Care Home is calculated as follows: ( (334 Excellents x 5) + (22 Goods x 4) + (2 Satisfactorys x 3) ) ÷ 358 Ratings = 4.927
b) 5 Points are available for the number of Positive Reviews in the last 24 months. A Positive Review is defined as any Review with an 'Overall Experience' of '4' or '5' (out of a max rating '5').
The 5 Points relating to the number of positive Reviews for St Margaret's Care Home is based on 30 positive Reviews in the last 24 months and is calculated as per below:
The 5 points available are broken down as follows:
i) 4 points are available for the first 10 Positive Reviews in the last 24 months; 3 points for the first Positive Review, and then 0.125 Points for each of the next four Positive Reviews and then 0.1 Points for the next five Positive Reviews. (1st = 3.000, 2nd = 0.125, 3rd = 0.125, 4th = 0.125, 5th = 0.125, 6th = 0.100, 7th = 0.100, 8th = 0.100, 9th = 0.100, 10th = 0.100) 3 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.125 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 4
ii) 1 point is available for the number of Positive Reviews reaching 20% of the registered maximum number of service users in the last 24 months. If this number is partially reached, then that proportion of 1 point is given. eg a Care Home registered for a maximum of 50 service users has to reach 10 Positive Reviews to receive 1 point, if it has 7 reviews it will receive 0.7 points. 20% of the 60 registered maximum number of service users is 12, which has been reached with 30 Positive reviews. Points = 1
When a Review is submitted by someone who has previously submitted a Review, only the latest Review will count towards the Review Score.
If a Care Home does not have a review in the last 24 months, then it will not have a Review Score.
Date: 12 Dec 2024
How well do we support people's wellbeing? |
Very good
(5) |
How good is our leadership? |
Very good
(5) |
How good is our staff team? |
Very good
(5) |
How good is our setting? |
(4) |
How well is care and support planned? |
(4) |
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Job Title: Home Manager
What is your professional background?
I began nursing in 2010 where I worked in various areas of the NHS before moving over into the care home sector. Studying an MSc in the Health and Well-being of Older People, gave me the skills and confidence to dedicate my career to this client group- an area I dearly love. I have previously held posts in Clinical Lead, Deputy Home Managers and Head of Care Lead Nurse positions while continuing to work for a local agency in supporting the NHS, Marie Curie and St Columba's Hospices. I have experience in General Surgery, Renal and GI, Gynaecology, Medical Assessment Unit, Cardiac High Dependency, Medicine of the Elderly and Palliative Care.
As well as being a home manager, you are also a registered nurse, why did you first get into nursing?
Nursing found me. Following personal challenges in my own life, I found that my empathy and compassion for people developed and the need to help others became my focus. It's a phenomenal responsibility being a Nurse and I feel very privileged to have been given this opportunity.
What one thing do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy the challenge of being a new Home Manager and the fast-paced, ever-changing environment that is care. The position I am in allows me to see care delivery from all angles while building a service that is true to the needs of the individual.
What was a defining moment for you?
Providing palliative care to a 34-year-old lady with stomach cancer. At the time I cared for her, she had a son the same age as mine and had been diagnosed 2 weeks before her death. I learnt that day the importance of living in the moment and for being thankful for my family and son. You can't dictate the future but you can enjoy the present.?
What interests you outside of work?
I am a huge sports fan with special interests in rugby and football. Manchester United is where my heart will always be. I also enjoy walking with my dogs and spending time with my 5-year-old son. I also enjoy watching movies especially Sci-fi and thrillers as well as listening regularly to music. I have a personal interest in German history and sport.