Adult Day Care Centres in and around Little Haseley

30 Little Haseley Adult Day Care Centres (nearest to centre)

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Oak Lodge

The Chilterns Shopping Centre, Frogmoor, High Wycombe HP13 5ES  14.7 miles away

Oakbridge Centre

Imperial Road, Windsor SL4 3RU  24.8 miles away

Spring Valley

Spring Valley Drive, Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe HP14 4LR  13.8 miles away


Coronation Road, High Wycombe HP12 3RP  13.9 miles away

The Phoenix Centre

Newtown Road, Newbury RG14 7EB  24.1 miles away

Greenfield House Resource Centre

Highview, Calcot, Reading RG31 4XD  17.9 miles away

Faringdon Day Centre

Faringdon Baptist Church, Church Hall, Park Road, Faringdon SN7 7JF  22.1 miles away

Carterton Day Centre

School Access Road, Edith Moorhouse School, Lawton Avenue, Carterton OX18 3JY  22.9 miles away

Wexham Day Care Centre

132 Knolton Way, Wexham Court, Slough SL2 5SG  24.9 miles away

Elliman Resource Centre

27 Purser Close, off Elliman Avenue, Slough SL2 5DL  24.0 miles away

Wychwoods Day Centre

The New Beaconsfield Hall, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Chipping Norton OX7 6BQ  24.8 miles away

Windmill Thursday Club

The Windmill Centre, Hempton Road, Deddington, Banbury OX15 0QH  22.3 miles away

Manor Park Day Centre

Villiers Road, Slough SL1 1HL  24.5 miles away

Dunsland House

5 Shrublands Road, Berkhamsted HP4 3HY  21.8 miles away

Seeleys Short Breaks Day Services

Campbell Drive, Knotty Green, Beaconsfield HP9 1TF  18.9 miles away

Chesham Opportunities Centre

Chiltern View, Naiders Road, Chesham HP5 3DF  20.3 miles away

Burnham Short Breaks Day Service

Minniecroft Road, Burnham, Slough SL1 7DE  21.1 miles away

Buckingham Opportunities Centre

Well Street, Buckingham MK18 1EN  20.9 miles away

Thame & District Day Centre

Thame Community Hospital, East Street, Thame OX9 3JT  5.4 miles away

October Club

1-3 The Cloisters, Wantage OX12 8AQ  17.1 miles away

Oxfordshire Older Chinese People Centre (Happy Place )

West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, Oxford OX2 0BT  9.3 miles away

Westmead Centre

Rances Lane, Wokingham RG40 2LH  23.1 miles away

The Acorn Community Centre

Fernlea Drive, Woosehill, Wokingham RG41 3DR  22.0 miles away

Aylesbury Opportunities Centre

Thame Road South, Aylesbury HP21 8TS  12.9 miles away

Grove Day Centre

School Lane, Grove, Wantage OX12 0NS  16.4 miles away

Hanborough & District Day Centre

Recreation Hall, Main Street, Long Hanborough, Witney OX29 8BJ  16.4 miles away

Daybreak Oxford Rosewood

The Clockhouse, Long Ground, Blackbird Leys, Oxford OX4 7FX  5.4 miles away

Daybreak Oxford The Limes

St Margarets Institute, 30 Polstead Road, Oxford OX2 6TN  9.5 miles away

Cholsey Day Centre

The Old School, Marymead, Cholsey, Wallingford OX10 9PQ  9.3 miles away

Day Break Oxford The Lilacs

11 Charlbury Close, Kidlington OX5 2BW  13.0 miles away