Care Home - Essex

Property Title: Care Home - Essex

Property Type: Care Home / Nursing Home

For Sale / Sold: Sold

Date Posted: 07 May 2021

Location: Essex

Guide Price: £1,400,000 (Freehold)

Property Agency: Redwoods Dowling Kerr

Reference: 48363


Specialist care home for learning disability and mental health conditions registered for 19 service users. Income for y.e 30/9/20 of £690,225 with EBITDA for the same period of £275,080. Strong management team in place. Rated "GOOD" by CQC and historically at or approaching 100% occupancy. Valuable freehold property / Ideal for hands on owner or existing group Central location close to the town centre Viewing highly recommended. Freehold Ref: 48363

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