49329 Project Hank - Pembrokeshire - Ref 49329

Property Title: 49329 Project Hank - Pembrokeshire - Ref 49329

Property Type: Care Home / Nursing Home

For Sale / Sold: Sold

Date Posted: 23 Nov 2022

Location: Pembrokeshire

Guide Price: £1,300,000 (Freehold)

Property Agency: Redwoods Dowling Kerr

Reference: 49329


Impressive Residential Care Home for the Elderly registered for 22 residents, that specialises in providing care to elderly adults, including early onset dementia
Rated Very Good by CIW with historically high occupancy levels
Fee Income for y/e 31/3/22 of £847,595 with an outstanding EBITDA for the same period of £335,824.00
A strong management team in place with qualified and longstanding supporting staff
Set in the stunning area of Pembrokeshire, Viewing is Highly Recommended.

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Redwoods Dowling Kerr
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