50558 Supported Living - Wiltshire

Property Title: 50558 Supported Living - Wiltshire

Property Type: Housing with Care (Supported/Sheltered/Extra Care Housing)

For Sale / Sold: For Sale

Date Posted: 19 Sep 2023

Location: Wiltshire

Guide Price: Offers in the region 600,000 (Freehold)

Property Agency: Redwoods Dowling Kerr

Reference: 50558


Delightful HMO Supported Living Home for Residents aged 16-25
Turnover for YE 05/04/2023 £72,813 with an EBITDA £39,182
Occupancy capacity of 7 (100% occupancy with waiting lists)
Huge scope to expand - currently being Ofsted registered.
Convenient, cosy, and accessible residential area with historically high occupancy levels.

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Redwoods Dowling Kerr
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