50874 Residential Supported Living - South Wales - Freehold

Property Title: 50874 Residential Supported Living - South Wales - Freehold

Property Type: Housing with Care (Supported/Sheltered/Extra Care Housing)

For Sale / Sold: For Sale

Date Posted: 14 Mar 2024

Location: Swansea

Guide Price: 250,000 (Freehold)

Property Agency: Redwoods Dowling Kerr

Reference: 50874


Impressive 3-bed, well-appointed home in South Wales.
Registered for 3 residents with learning disabilities.
Healthy turnover with room for growth.
Would suit an existing operator looking to expand their portfolio, or a first-time buyer.
Established a care home for people with learning disabilities. Currently registered for 3. Current fee income is approx. £344,243 with an adjusted profit of £50,874 Well-appointed premises which have been modernised and decorated to a high standard. Sought after area. Priced at offers invited. Freehold. Ref: 50874

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