Supported Living Services Provider - East Midlands

Property Title: Supported Living Services Provider - East Midlands

Property Type: Housing with Care (Supported/Sheltered/Extra Care Housing)

For Sale / Sold: For Sale

Date Posted: 03 Jan 2025

Location: Leicestershire

Guide Price: Offers Invited (Leasehold)

Property Agency: Redwoods Dowling Kerr

Reference: 50927


- Turnover of £3.1m for year-end 2023
- Adjusted EBITDA in excess of £860k for year-end 2023.
- The business offers around 3,400 care hours to service users across the region.
- Staff are trained to be attentive ensuring that they provide religious and culturally appropriate care to wide variety of service including those with dementia and learning disabilities.
- The company is well-established in the region and has close relationships with local authorities, especially around forensic cases.
- Our client employs around 100 employees including a service manager and a deputy manager who are capable of inheriting the registered manager role.

Make an Enquiry to 'Redwoods Dowling Kerr' about this Property

Enquire by Email by completing the following form:

Nathan Miller
(ie Mr, Ms, Dr)