Highly reputable Day Care Provider in the East of England

Property Title: Highly reputable Day Care Provider in the East of England

Property Type: Care Provider Business

For Sale / Sold: For Sale

Date Posted: 21 Feb 2025

Location: Norfolk

Guide Price: £950,000 (Freehold)

Property Agency: Redwoods Dowling Kerr

Reference: 51378


A Day Care Provider in the East of England. The business provides care for adults within the local area, including those with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health challenges and age-related conditions.
- Annul turnover for year end 2023 £507k with an EBITDA of £208k.
- Current number of service users: 34 with capacity for more. The majority of service users are funded by local authority with a few being privately funded. Rolling contract with 'Norfolk County Council'
- Variety of different services/ activities also offering daily outings incorporated into activity plans.
- Strong management team. Retirement sale. Viewing highly recommended.
- Sale of the business includes a purpose built freehold property valued at £400,000.

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Naila Akhtar
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