Main Duties:
1. Help Clients to socialise within the Care Centre and provide a variety of activities that cater for all tastes.
2. Plan and initiate monthly rolling / individual programmes and encourage Clients to maintain pre-existing hobbies.
3. Encourage Staff Members, Relatives and Friends to participate in the Care Centre's activities.
4. Accompany Clients, where possible, to off-site activities, which may occasionally take place out with normal working hours.
5. Help to create an atmosphere that suits individual Clients within the Care Centre.
6. Assist with fund raising, and budgeting, for entertainments, materials and outings.
7. Maintain full and accurate records of daily activities using appropriate documentation and assist the Named Carer to review and update Client Care Files.
8. Discuss the aims and objectives of recreation therapy with other Staff Members.
9. Report any changes in Clients' physical or emotional condition to the Home Manager or Person in Charge.
10. Provide comfort and company, on a one to one basis, for Clients who are unable to undertake any form of activity.
11. Arrange / participate in Staff and Client meetings, as and when required.
12. Actively market the Care Centre and promote a positive personal / professional profile within the local community, ensuring the good reputation of the Care Centre at all times.
13. Maintain professional knowledge and competence.
14. Promote safe working practice in the Care Centre.
15. You have a responsibility towards residents to ensure that they are protected from all kind of abuse. This will be visited in your induction training but please refer to employee handbook for more information on safeguarding.