Senior Night Care Assistant

Bucklers Lodge
  • Title Senior Night Care Assistant
  • Setting Care Home / Nursing Home
  • Role Senior Carer / Head of Care / Team Leader
  • Salary £11.59 to £13.09 per hour
  • Hours Full Time or Part Time
  • Location Crowthorne, Berkshire

Job Summary

Date posted: 25 February 2025


Responsible to : Registered Manager or Deputy Manager

Purpose of position: To provide wakeful night duty cover in the home, ensuring the well-being of residents and dealing with any problems that might arise during the night duty.  Calling for assistance of the Manager or the Deputy Manager should extreme emergency arise. 

To support the Manager and Management Care Team in all aspects of the Home’s management

To teach and lead by example, new and inexperienced staff members in all aspects of their work in the home.

Values:To promote and adhere to the Greensleeves Care -Workplace values of respect, openness and responsibility.

Principal Responsibilities:

·  Assist residents with their personal care needs.

·  In conjunction with the Night Care Assistant, carry out regular checks on residents and on the building with special reference to fire prevention at intervals determined by the Manager and with due regard to residents’ privacy.

·  Assist residents with mobility problems and other physical disabilities including the use and care of aids and personal equipment.

·  Assist residents who need help with personal hygiene e.g. incontinence.

·  Be aware of residents whereabouts if absent from their bedroom.

·  Help to ensure that all staff contribute to the best of their ability to the efficient running of the Home and the creation of the right atmosphere.

·  Answer call bells, emergency bells, the door and the telephone: greet visitors.

·  Assist in the care of residents who are unwell or dying.

·  Carry out regular checks on the building with special reference to fire prevention at intervals determined by the Registered Manager.  Ensure that the Home is secure, all fire doors closed and external doors and windows locked and machinery switched off.

·  Make and change beds and empty commodes.

·  Inspect and mend residents’ clothes where necessary.

·  Finish any laundry left from the day and carry out night laundry.

·  Tidy up lounge, dining room or offices as required.

·  Lay trays and tables in dining room in preparation for breakfast.

·  Prepare drinks, snacks, early breakfasts and make early morning tea for the residents as required.

·  Help with the completion of plans of care for residents, new residents and help with resident reviews.

·  Help to control the issue of drugs for which the Home has taken responsibility, to maintain the necessary records and to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the systems for administering medication.

·  Help to ensure that rooms and common spaces are properly tidied, cleaned, maintained and adequately heated.

·  Maintain all residents’ records and give and receive written / verbal reports, whilst ensuring confidentiality

·  Lead, facilitate and participate in staff meetings, staff training, supervision, appraisal and development activities

·  Carry out supervision and induction of designated staff as required.

·  Support the Manager in his/her duties as the responsible officer for the Home under the Health & Safety Act and the Fire Regulations.

·  To assist Registered Manager to ensure that all records required to be kept in the home by the Care Standards Act 2000 and any subsequent relevant legislation are maintained accurately, and are up to date.  To have these available for inspection by the Inspection Officer or anyone appointed by Greensleeves Homes Trust to see them.

·  Be aware of the security of the residents and building, locking external doors and windows at a time specified by the Registered Manager.

·  Complete NVQ 3 in care or the equivalent

·  Adhere to policies and procedures within the Home and the Trust.

In addition to the duties and responsibilities listed; the job holder is required to perform other duties assigned by the manager from time to time.

Please note, we do not offer Visa Sponsorship so only apply if you have the Right to Work in the UK.