1. To order fresh food and other foodstuff supplied from Preferred Suppliers.
2. To regularly monitor performance of suppliers and to check that suppliers' prices remain competitive, ensuring that the Home Manager is kept informed accordingly.
3. To regularly monitor stock control and to inform the Home Manager of any discrepancies. To ensure proper stock rotation of foodstuffs to minimise wastage, and to dispose of promptly any foodstuff found to be past "sell-by" dates for any reason.
4. To effectively manage and control catering budgets – ensuring value for money principles are promoted and maintained at all times.
5. To prepare menus as agreed with the Home Manager, observing, respecting and promoting residents' special dietary needs (including allergies), likes, dislikes and preferences where appropriate.
6. To prepare nutritional food and beverages to a high standard, and promptly in accordance with agreed meal times.
7. To prepare special diet meals as needed, and as directed through appropriate Diet Sheets/Care Plans. To liaise with the management and nursing team to keep abreast of any changes in residents' dietary requirements.
8. To engage in mealtime service delivery from a customer satisfaction viewpoint – ensuring a “hotel” (or “silver service”) approach is undertaken at each mealtime. This will include serving meals to residents under the direction of the nursing and/or management team.
9. To ensure timely and efficient cleaning of all dishes and cooking utensils.
10. To maintain a high standard of hygiene and cleanliness in the kitchen and food storage areas at all times, in accordance with the appropriate Food Hygiene Regulations.
11. To achieve and maintain a five star rating with the local Environmental Health department, and ensure the rating is clearly displayed within the service.
12. To ensure management and implementation of safe working procedures and practices in accordance with Health & Safety legislation.
13. To ensure safe operation and maintenance, as needed, of all kitchen equipment. To remove from use and to report to the Home Manager any item of equipment found to be faulty or deemed unsafe.
14. To ensure formal monitoring and recording of refrigerator, chiller and freezer temperatures in accordance with Environmental Health requirements, and to ensure their verification with a calibrated thermometer, according to procedures.
15. To ensure all cleaning schedules are adhered to and accurately maintained/recorded.
16. To collate customer feedback regarding catering services and provision, and use feedback collected to ensure quality services are promoted and maintained in accordance with the needs of the service and people using the service at the Home.
17. To assist the Home Manager in the resolution of any complaints concerning the catering service.
18. To undertake other duties, as may be necessary from time-to-time.