• Title Senior care assistant
  • Setting Care Home / Nursing Home
  • Role Senior Carer / Head of Care / Team Leader
  • Salary £12.00 to £18.00 per hour Overtime rates, enhancements, quarterly reliability bonus
  • Hours Full Time or Part Time
  • Location Southampton, Hampshire

Job Summary

Date posted: 27 February 2025
  • Job Reference: TWH001

Job Description

Senior Carer

Main purpose and scope of the role:

·  You are responsible to your Unit Manager and Emma Hampton, the Registered Manager.

·  To ensure consistency in every aspect of the role for both the staff and residents.

·  To lead by example.

·  To work in accordance with the Care Assistants job description (please also see Care Assistants job description), ensuring that those who are working with you are fulfilling their Care Assistants job description. 

·  To remain aware of the importance of maintaining a professional working relationship with all staff.

Duties and key responsibilities:

·  To ensure that your unit is fully staffed with existing staff.

·  Ensure that staff are on time, clock their start and finish and all break times.

·  Ensure that a good hand over takes place with only the senior ending their shift and the senior starting their shift in the office at the time.  All other staff must remain on the unit floor carrying out their duties and monitoring the residents wellbeing whilst the handover is taking place.

·  Ensure that care groups are discussed and allocated at hand over, recording in the hand over book who is responsible for which care group before the shift commences; care groups should be stuck to.  Ensure that staff are familiar with the care needs of those residents on their care group.  Ensure that jobs are included within the care group are completed before the member of staff goes off duty. 

·  Ensure that all staff are aware of who will take responsibility in the event of a medical or fire emergency.

·  Annual leave should not be requested or taken at the same time as the second member of staff on the same shift on the same unit.  Always check planday before making an annual leave request.

·  Ensure that all staff have received Moving & Handling training before assisting any resident with this and that they have read the Mobility section of the resident’s Care Plan.

·  Care staff are to ensure that any animals on their care group are properly and appropriately cared for,  ensuring that they are fed, have water, and if needed the litter tray is emptied and cleaned, dog mess to be cleared up immediately.

·  Ensure that the G.P., District Nurse, Consultant, Care managers, Social Workers and any other Professionals are received in a welcoming manner, that information they require is readily available.  Always offer all visitors to the home refreshments.  Where possible, have all meetings minuted.

·  Ensure that the outcome of any visits are clearly recorded on the monthly reviews and Nourish and if relevant changes made to the Care Plan and any further required documentation in place.

·  Ensure that all visitors to the home are made to feel welcome, treated courteously and offered drinks.

·  Ensure that you read all emails and acknowledge/respond.

·  Check planday and advise the main office if there is a shift that you are able to cover.

·  All recorded entries must be initialled/signed and dated.

·  Nourish daily records, monthly reviews and the hand over book must be updated throughout the shift.  Entries must be dated and initialled/signed.

·  To ensure that the medication procedure is followed and that staff assisting as the second person (where necessary to do so) are trained and competent.  This task should be given their undivided attention.  Ensure that you are fully aware of any PRN medication to be given and this is done in accordance with guidance within action plans/Risk Assessments/Care plan.  Entries must be dated and initialled.

·  As a team member, to help to contribute ideas and information to the monthly news letters.

·  Lounges and communal areas must be monitored at all times to ensure the safety and well being of all residents.

·  Be a supportive member of staff to colleagues throughout the home.

·  The dignity and privacy of all residents must be maintained at all times by ensuring that their rooms are not invaded by other residents.

·  Time spent with residents assisting them with personal care should be a special time for the resident where they are given individual attention and quality 1-2-1 time.

·  Assist staff to maintain Care Plans, Risk Assessments and care entries asking for Mentor support (Steph) as required.

·   Ensure that activities are recorded within the Nourish daily reports every day, recording what activity has been enjoyed and if declined what activities were offered and declined.

·  When activities and trips and outings are arranged, it is your responsibility to ensure that the residents are informed about the outing and that they are assisted to be ready and onto the vehicle and that the appropriate Risk Assessments are in place.

·  Staff must attend all training offered; wherever possible, attend training outside of your usual working hours to minimise disruption to residents and colleagues.  If attending training during your work hours, this must be agreed by your Unit Manager and cover must be arranged.  Staff must support each other to be able to attend training.

·  You are expected to maintain The White House’s excellent reputation by being caring, motivated, innovative, efficient, consistent and professional.

Breaks, Staff Should:

·  Ask their senior for permission to go on your break.

·  Only one member of staff from the unit should be on a break at any one time.

·  Night staff – only one person to be on a break at any time.

·  Mobile phones and personal belongings must be kept in the staff room.  Mobile phones are not to be used unless on your allocated, clocked break time and at no time should they be used when in the company or vicinity of the residents. 

·  Making a drink, using the toilet should all be done after you have clocked out on your break not before.

·  You should remain on the unit floor actively engaging with the residents or completing necessary tasks until you clock off of duty; you should not be in the staff room before the end of your shift.

·  If you choose to take your break off of the premises you must clock off duty and you will not be paid for this time. This must be authorised.

·  Senior carers are responsible for the induction of new staff members and must therefore lead by example at all times, demonstrating the high, consistent, quality care standards that The White House expects.  Working in accordance with The White House policies and procedures, including The Philosophy, the care of the residents must, at all times, be your foremost priority and responsibility and this must be clearly communicated and demonstrated to all new members of staff at all times.


·  Ensure that all equipment is treated respectfully and that staff are aware of the location of all equipment at all times ensuring that equipment/location of equipment is handed over at the end of each shift.

·  Ensure that equipment is cleaned, as appropriate,  after each use.

·  Ensure that any issues or concerns regarding equipment is reported immediately to the main office to enable appropriate action to be taken.  In the meantime, equipment that is faulty or malfunctions should be noted with Out Of Use to alert others and deter them from continuing to use the equipment.

From your contract:

The White House may amend your duties from time to time and may require you to undertake other duties as necessary to meet the needs of the business.  You may be required to work in any of the units at any given time.

Skills / Qualifications:

  • A minimum of 2 years experience as a senior carer is essential
  • qualification preferred but not essesntial
  • good sense of humor essential
  • reliable