Aims and Responsibilities
· We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults. We require you to understand and demonstrate this commitment.
· To assess, plan, implement and evaluate the service users needs.
· To create and maintain with the home’s staff an environment in which all members of staff can contribute to the maximum of their ability in providing a high standard of skilled nursing care to the service users and encourage recognition of the service user as an Individual
· To enable Service Users to live a fuller lifestyle within the nature of their capability/disability.
· To know what is meant by essential standards, what constitutes these standards and how they assist the home to maintain and promote standards of care and administration in the home.
· To demonstrate awareness of how clinical procedures related to service users care are carried out and administered to maintain their well being and to prevent symptoms of ill being.
· To develop an understanding relationship with the relatives and visitors.
· To understand and demonstrate in practice how the job contributes to the First Care Homes Ltd goals and objectives.
· To demonstrate dissemination of information and reporting to/from Manager.
· To control the Home’s supplies and that these are used effectively and economically.
· To recognise the legal implications of nursing documentation.
· To safeguard service user’s property, valuables and personal possession sand ensure relatives are informed when additional clothing is required.
· To be aware of demonstrate relevant statutory legislation and company policies and procedures eg CS Act, NMC guidelines, Health and Safety (see role specification).
· To adhere to all procedures (see Policies & Procedures Manuals) implemented in the Home and demonstrate understanding in practice.
To demonstrate the importance of variation in service users’ condition, staff compliance or non-compliance and any learning points that you might need to know or unsure of or additional skills to remain competent to practice as registered nurse. Report on any mishaps as soon as possible to Manager and record in the Incident/Accident Report book.
· To report on condition of service users, receive instructions and ensure that these instructions are carried out or document reason for non-compliance.
· To assess, implement and evaluate care for the residents.
· To ensure correct implementation of the complaint’s procedure.
· To record any faults or repairs in the maintenance book.
· To act as Nurse-in-Charge of shift.
· Demonstrate an understanding of the safe working practices that apply to the role
· To have the ability to work in a way that promotes the safety and well-being of children and young people/vulnerable adults
· To assess elderly persons with previous history of psychiatric illness, general acute chronic illness and dementia using various models of care, analyse, plan, implement and evaluate care programmes on an ongoing basis and document in appropriate forms in compliance with policies and procedures of the Home.
· To demonstrate awareness of packaging of equipment and medical aids related to service users’ care and how to use, store and dispose as necessary.
· To be able to assess types of wounds and to use various types of wound management products (bandages, tubigrips, primary and secondary dressings, micropore etc) according to the type of wound. To demonstrate an understanding of the ageing process and how it affects functions of the body as a whole.
· To involve Care Assistants at every step of this process. To ensure that they understand the importance of carrying out instructions and deliver care as instructed/expected.
· To co-ordinate all activities and work of care assistants by giving support and advice as necessary.
· To demonstrate understanding of primary nursing care and key worker systems implemented in the Home.
· To enable or assist service users to wash/bathe, feed, mobilise, maintain continence or/manage incontinence through continence assessment of service users whilst acting as an advocate for the service user with his/her permission at all times.
· To ensure there is adequate supply of continence aids, toiletries and cleaning materials and detergents.
· To participate in staff meetings, relatives and service users’ meetings as requested.
· To order drugs receive, store, administer, dispose and document as necessary. To keep accurate and legible records and ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
· To demonstrate safe moving and handling of each service user according to their level of capability and use of moving and handling aids.
· Ensure effective exchange of information concerning service user care and the Homes matters at each shift handover or at any other time during the shift to enhance care delivery.
· To be available at mealtimes to supervise dietary requirements are met.
· To maintain good interpersonal relationships with service users, staff and visitors and with the multidisciplinary team.
· To liase with statutory and voluntary agencies in order to provide the best possible package of care for the residents.
· As part of the multidisciplinary team, to assist in maintaining the high standard of cleanliness within the Home.
· To ensure that any accidents to service users, staff or visitors are recorded and reported in accordance with the Home’s procedures.
· To ensure safety of all service users and staff through regular attendance at fire drills and other training required.
· To ensure adherence to the Company ‘no smoking’ policy at all times whilst on site.
· To sign in the attendance sheet as you come on duty and when you go off duty.
· To comply with contractual agreements affecting the employment e.g time keeping, absences, internal rotation etc.
· To complete self certificate as soon as you return to your duty and hand it to the Manager or in her absence the nurse on duty. To be available for return to work interview if appropriate.
· To undergo induction programme and training as scheduled by the Manager.
· To identify own learning needs/education requirements and professional development in conjunction with the Manager.
· To set own objectives with Manager and review own performance at an individually agreed time in order to adhere to revalidation recommendations.
· Participate in and contribute to the development/education programmes for the staff and create an environment conductive to learning.
· To attend in-house and other courses appropriate to the care of the elderly.
· To initiate, participate and co-operate in carrying out any research projects or audits in the Home.
Equal Opportunities
· To comply with the company’s Equal Opportunity Policy.
· To comply with confidentially policy number
· To carry out any other duties as requested by the Manager
· To cover shifts in case of staff sickness and absence to ensure adequate staffing levels, in line with staffing notice, at the Home.
· The job description may be reviewed at regular intervals and changed as appropriate in conjunction with changes in legislation and the Home’s operational policies and procedures.
· To support the Home’s no smoking policy in the interests of Health & Safety and ensure smoking is not allowed on site.
· Monitor supervise and report on the performance of junior staff to Manager so that appropriate step(s) can be taken to prevent non-conformance and to improve staffs’ knowledge and skill.
This is not intended as an exhaustive description of duties and responsibilities and may be amended following consultation with the jobholder.