To provide consistently high standards of care to people using the service in accordance with the Home’s philosophy, policies, CCG guidelines, the General Social Care Council Code and The Fundamental Standards of Care. The post-holder will work closely with nursing staff to ensure that effective systems are in place to support the business of the Home.
Care Manager
Head Office
Care Team / domestic staff / catering staff /
maintenance staff / activities worker
Service Users / Relatives
/ Users Advocates
Members of the CCG / social workers / GP /
specialist nurses / other healthcare professionals
Regulators (including the Care Quality Commission)
External contractors
Responsible to: Home Manager
Reports to: Team leader, Senior Carer or Nurse-In-Charge
Follow homes complaints policy and procedures.
To provide a high standard of service user care promoting and following company polices and procedure.
Staff must be motivated, of a caring nature, and a good communicator. All, usual, pre-employment checks will be conducted prior to appointment. A willingness to professionally develop is an advantage.
As included in Contract of Employment.
1.1 Care Assistants/Support Workers are one of the members of the Care Team and will be required to provide the highest standard of care possible under the leadership of the Nurse-in-Charge and supervision of Senior Care staff. Conduct will be always professional and will communicate effectively with all colleagues, clients, visitors, external customers and other healthcare professions. You are expected to observe all health and safety requirements, promote the philosophy of the Home and take responsible care of all property and belongings within the Care Home.
2.1 Conduct must always be professional and in accordance with the General Social Care Council Code and the Home’s policies and procedures.
2.2 Always be courteous of others and respectful to staff, people using the service, their families or representatives, other professionals involved or not involved in their care and all other external customers and visitors.
2.3 Reports to line manager as and when required to do so.
3.1 Promote and ensure a high standard of organisation and service delivery in the Home, and an atmosphere which promotes the physical, mental, social, cultural, emotional and spiritual needs of the person using the service – ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of each person using the service is promoted, protected and maintained.
3.2 Participate in the work of the Home as allocated, to give total care to people using the service, as appropriate to their agreed needs whilst incorporating the Company’s philosophy of care.
3.3 Liaise with the team leader, senior carer and nurse-in-charge in the care, enablement, well being and safety of people using the service.
3.5 Organise and partake in care review meetings as and when required and support registered nurses on the implementation of care under their leadership, direction and guidance.
3.7 Promote and enable people using the service to take part in social activities inside and out with the Home.
3.8 Assist in maintaining effective communication and co-operation between people using the service and their relatives and direct them to the incharge for any update or enquiry about an individual’s healthcare status or condition.
3.9 Be aware of all complaints, suggestions and comments - taking immediate action and reporting to the in charge person (Team leader, senior carer) or Home Manager in accordance with Company policy.
3.10 Promote an atmosphere that enables people using the service to live as independently as possible - promoting privacy, dignity, choice, rights and fulfilment in conjunction with the Home’s philosophy. And following infection prevention control policies and procedures.
3.11 Ensure that confidentiality is always adhered to.
3.12 Report any indicators of bad practice (actual or suspected) without delay in accordance with the Company’s Safeguarding Policy.
4.1 Be familiar with all policies and procedures for the nursing home and promote the ethos and standards of these policies in your everyday work. IPC guidelines should be followed.
5.1 Attend and participate in in-service and external training as necessary to ensure your role can be safely and proficiently performed and exercised. Non completion of training will be considered as incompliant and removed from the rota until training is in place.
5.2 Keep updated in developments and techniques in care and care practice for the overall benefit of people using the service.
6.1 Participate in regular staff meetings, staff appraisals and staff supervision sessions.
6.2 Ensure the Home is a safe environment for people using the service, visitors and fellow staff members by being aware of the Health and Safety policy and ensuring that related procedures are carried out correctly. Record and report all accidents to people using the service, staff and visitors.
6.4 Attend fire lectures and be aware of fire procedures.
6.5 Participate in the appraisal of staff when required.
6.6 Help to promote and maintain good morale in the Home and promote sound organisation, fair and clear staff relationships and good communication.
6.7 Be aware of the needs of other staff within the Home, referring them to those best able to help whilst maintaining confidence.
This description can be reviewed and modified at any time and without notice
I. General Social Care Council (England) Code of Practice (2010)
II. Fundamental Standards of Care
III. Home’s Philosophy of Care
IV. Local multi-agency arrangements for the Safeguarding of Adults
V. Company policies
VI. Risk assessments
VII. CQC regulations and fundamentals. Please
This list is not exhaustive.