7:45am - 19:45pm Day Shifts
19:45pm - 7:45am Night Shift
To professionally lead the care team during any span of duty, ensuring that a safe, effective and efficient care service is maintained which meets the needs of residents and purchasers. To provide care to residents in accordance with their assessed needs to an industry leading standard.
Overall responsibilities: • Provide leadership and support for care staff and act as a champion for residents’ safety and dignity.
• To maintain skills and knowledge and ensure that care is delivered according to latest guidelines and best practice evidence available.
• Ensure the ongoing safety of residents, staff and visitors through systematic assessment, monitoring and reviewing processes.
• Ensure that clear and accurate records and communication systems relating to clinical and care delivery are maintained and effectively used.
• Act as a role model for good clinical and care governance practice. Specific responsibilities and duties: Provide leadership and support for care staff and act as a champion for residents’ safety and dignity
• Provide leadership and support for care staff and act as a champion for residents’ safety and dignity.
• Provide effective leadership and support for the care team.
• Supervise care staff on a day to day basis and through formal supervision processes. • Liaise with GPs and other health professionals to ensure that residents receive the medical and clinical support they require.
• Demand high quality care delivery focused on residents individually assessed needs and choices.
• Promote the professional image of the services through excellent communication, appropriate behaviour and professional appearance.
• Support new Team Leaders and care staff in the completion of induction programs, training and competency assessment.
-To maintain skills and knowledge and ensure that care is delivered according to latest guidelines and best practice evidence available
• Maintain skills and keep up to date with clinical developments and best practice in areas relevant to care delivery in the home.
• Undertaken training appropriate to the roll, as agreed with the Home Manager, and ensure learning is shared and transferred into practice.
• Review the daily delivery of care, including pressure area prevention, nutrition and infection prevention and control procedures. Ensure high standards of care delivery are maintained.
• To be responsible for the safe and appropriate management, administration and recording of medication, including controlled drugs and oxygen, in accordance with Policies and Procedures.
• Act at all times within your own skills and competence.
• To attend all statutory and mandatory training as required by the Company in order to fulfil your duties. Ensure the ongoing safety of residents, staff and visitors through systematic assessment, monitoring and reviewing processes.
• Conduct and document care and risk assessments and develop care plans related to the assessed needs and choices of individual residents.
• Ensure that areas of identified risk are appropriately monitored and outcomes recorded and acted upon e.g. fluid and nutrition charts, turning regimes, blood glucose monitoring.
• Report all accidents and incidents promptly in accordance with Policy. Ensure accident/incident reports are written clearly and concisely and that any remedial action or learning is incorporated into care delivery.
• Ensure that residents are encouraged and supported to remain as independent and active as possible. Promote the philosophy of activity based care.
• Ensure the safety and comfort of all residents, whilst encouraging a happy, homely atmosphere.
• Be knowledgeable about Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policies and Procedures and report any untoward events in accordance with Home and Local Authority requirements.
• Ensure that clinical equipment is maintained in a safe, clean and fully functional state. Report any equipment failures or damage to the Home Manager.
• Be responsible for the care and protection of residents’ property.
• To maintain standards of infection control within the home and to assist residents to maintain their own infection control needs. Ensure that clear and accurate records and communication systems relating to clinical and care delivery are maintained and effectively used
• Be aware of company policies and procedures and ensure requirements are incorporated into practice.
• Ensure effective and clearly documented handover systems are maintained to facilitate the effective transfer of information between staff and shifts.
• Attend and participate in Team Leader and staff meetings as arranged by the Home Manager/Deputy Manager/Clinical Lead.
• Understand the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (2008) in relation to consent and best interest decision making.
• Provide information to residents and relatives in relation to care delivery, being mindful of data protection and Caldicott requirements.
• Ensure high standard of record keeping are maintained in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act (2008) and Essential Standards of Quality and Safety (2010) and Company requirements. Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults / Mental Capacity Act To complete training on Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults and the Mental Capacity Act and be able to understand and implement SVA and MHA policies and procedures taking responsibility for reporting any safeguarding concerns to the senior person on duty or on-call RD
Health and Safety: As an employee, the post holder has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974,:
• Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and all other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
• Cooperate with their employer to ensure compliance with Health and Safety legislation and the Health and Safety policies and procedures of the treatment centre, not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse, anything provided in the interests of health, safety, or welfare, in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions.