Our small home, wonderful residents and really amazing team are looking for someone to come and join us. We are so passionate about the care we deliver for our residents with mental health and Learning Disabilities.
Our guys are truly amazing, we are not challenging behaviour, we support their daily needs to live life as independently as possible, some of our resident have voluntary jobs, paid jobs, love helping out in the kitchen etc.
We complete a DBS, interviews professional yet relaxed. We really are one big family!!!!.... We provide all training requirements, Weekly pay, the shifts are split over 7 days, full or part time permanent contracts.
Come and join our fab home, new start, new chances to grow and flourish all together. We look forward to hearing from you.
Benefits include:
Weekly paid...(immediate from week started)
Permanent contracted hours
All training provided in house
Above national living wage
All meals/ drinks provided whilst on shift
Overtime available if required
Time and half for bank holidays
Christmas wages paid in advance of designated hours (as long as worked obviously).