Clinical Nurse Manager

  • Title Clinical Nurse Manager
  • Setting Care Home / Nursing Home
  • Role Clinical Lead / Nurse Team Leader
  • Salary Remuneration - on appointment
  • Hours Full Time
  • Location Farnborough, Hampshire

Job Summary

Date posted: 15 March 2025
  • Job Reference: Clinical Nurse Manager



Accountable to:  The General Manager

Responsible to:  The Registered Manager

Contracted Hours of work:  37.5 Hours, Full Time


The aim of this senior role is to offer clinical leadership and effective management to all care and qualified staff, who work in Knellwood and for all residents to receive a high-quality, person-centred care.


·  To provide excellent clinical and professional leadership to all care and nursing staff

·  To work with senior team to ensure compliance with Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) updated 2014

·  To ensure and monitor that care delivered is compassionate and of a high quality and is person centred

·  To ensure all residents care plans are reviewed timely and are underpinned by a comprehensive risk assessment

·  To promote and facilitate a culture that is one of learning and supportive for all staff

·  To ensure all staff in the care directorate have timely supervisions and appraisals


·  Ensure that all residents have an up-to-date person centred care plan that is being actively followed and updated at timely intervals

·  Identify incompetent or suboptimal practise, investigate and take corrective action, taking cognisance of both Knellwood’s professional guidelines and NMC Code of Practise

·  Ensure that care planning is undertaken to a high standard and is person centred; ensuring care plans include the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of the residents

·  You will ensure all residents have a comprehensive risk assessment in place, which leads to informed and appropriate Care Plans

·  You will ensure all clinical audits are completed on their scheduled dates and be responsible for all clinical audits

·  You will be Lead Nurse in Tissue Viability/Ulcers, and ensure all Nurses and Carers are informed in good practise, and evidence-based practise to treat, manage and prevent pressure ulcers in Knellwood

·  You will be the Lead Clinician, in the following clinical areas:

-  Palliative Care

-  Catheter Care

-  Medicines and Medications Management

-  Clinical Reviews

-  Ensure all residents have consented to treatment and care, by completing the appropriate consent forms.

-  Mental capacity assessments

-  Assessing and ensuring all residents have had a DOLS application

-  You will ensure all care staff have had their timely supervisions and appraisals

-  You will investigate all Clinical near misses timely, and lessons learned clearly delineated to promote both best and safe practise.

-  You will ensure all care staff have had all relevant training, and are up to date with all mandatory and essential training to ensure competent and safe delivery of care

-  You will be responsible in ensuring all care staff sickness is managed and a Return to Work wellbeing is carried out timely, supported by appropriate documentation

-  You will work with the RM and be responsible for ensuring a prospective 8 week duty rota is made available for all care staff.

-  You will be a lead co-ordinator in all emergencies, including fire

·  You will attend, participate and make a contribution to the following meetings:

-  Head of Service

-  Bed Management

-  Clinical Reviews

-  Residents Meetings

-  Relatives Meetings

The above are your established duties, and by no means exhaustive as such from time to time, you may be called upon to engage in extended roles and duties that may be essential in the smooth running of the home.