To work under the direction of the Lead Therapist to deliver assessment related activities of daily living (ADL such as dressing, undressing, bathing, kitchen task, budgeting, social integration etc). These maybe delivered independently or with qualified staff.
To work as an integral member of the Rehabilitation Service providing effective support to Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy assistant, Nurses, carers and any other team members.
To work with service-user undertaking therapy/rehabilitation programmes to support and encourage them to achieve their optimum level of independence and quality of life, as directed by Lead Therapist.
To work with service-users in a range of locations, including day centre, headways, and the community with overall supervision from rehabilitation professionals.
To organise social activities for service-users and embrace person-centre approach and social inclusion.
Key responsibilities
Clinical Governance
1. To comply with Health and Safety Policies of the FSHC including undertaking all mandatory training as directed by HR training & development department and in line with company’s policy necessary to fulfil duties of the post
2. To comply with departmental / organisational procedures and guidelines.
3. To ensure that any furniture, equipment or building in need of repair is reported to the correct authority as necessary.
4. To comply with the Data Protection Act and Caldicott recommendations.
5. To maintain accurate documentation in line with local policies and procedures.
Training and Development
1. To actively participate in the in-service training programme.
2. To attend relevant training courses and complete regular appraisals and to maintain an up to date Personal Development Plan.
Health and Safety
Employees must act in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, and subsequent legislation, under which they must take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves and to others who may be affected by their work activities. Employees are required to co-operate with the FSHC in meeting statutory requirements. Employees must not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse anything that is provided in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of staff, patients and the general public.
Confidentiality & Data Protection
Employees are required to uphold the confidentiality of all records held by the FSHC, whether patient records or information. Unauthorised disclosure of any
confidential information, or that covered by the Data Protection Act may result in disciplinary action. All employees must be are aware of and comply with their data protection and confidentiality obligations under law and through FSHC policy.
Information Governance
All employees must undertake appropriate Information Governance mandatory training as set out in the FSHC Induction and Mandatory Training Policy.
Infection Control
Staff must adhere to all FSHC Infection Control policies and procedures which are relevant to the post, particularly with regard to the hand hygiene policy, and undertake any appropriate mandatory training. All staff will ensure that advice is sought from the infection control team as required and appropriate action is taken to minimise cross infection during patient transfers.
Equality and Diversity
It is the responsibility of every member of staff to understand the equality and diversity commitments and statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and to act in ways that support equality and diversity and recognise the importance of people’s rights in accordance with legislation, policies, procedures and good practice.
All employees must value and treat everyone with dignity and respect, giving consideration without prejudice, respecting diversity and recognising peoples expressed beliefs, preferences and choices. As such staff must recognise and report any behaviour that undermines equality under Trust policy.
Quality Service
All staff are responsible for ensuring that they are part of providing a quality service for service-user that is safe, effective and personable. Staff are responsible for familiarising themselves with local and FSHC documentation that relates to quality and improving the patient experience.
Records Management
A record is anything that contains information in any medium e.g. paper, tapes, computer information, etc. which have been created or gathered as a result of any
FSHC activity. All individuals within the FSHC are responsible for any records they
create or use. Employees must ensure that records are retained in accordance with the Clinical Record Keeping Policy and are stored in a manner that allows them to be easily located in the event of a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
Risk Management
All staff are expected to take a proactive role towards the management of risk. This entails assessing potential risks, taking appropriate actions to minimise any noticed risks and reporting all incidents, near misses and hazards. Employees must ensure compliance to all FSHC Risk Management, Research Governance and Infection Control Policies and Procedures and abide by the Standards for Better Health and essential standards of safety and quality.
Training and Development
All staff must co-operate in the Personal Development Review process and must attend all mandatory training as specified in the FHSC Induction and mandatory Training Policy.
Change of Job Description
This job description is intended as an outline of the main duties relating to the role.
It is not an exhaustive list. It is likely the role and requirements of it will change over time in accordance with service needs. This may necessitate updating the job description. In such circumstances this will be undertaken with the involvement of the post holder