Dignity day at Whim Hall

Last Updated: 07 Oct 2011 @ 00:00 AM

A Dignity Action Day gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to upholding people’s rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people receiving care. The campaign aims to ensure people in care are treated as individuals, are given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily lives. Dignity Action Day challenges members of the public and health and social care staff alike to give the gift of time.

Our fourth Dignity Action Day also celebrated World Alzheimer’s Day on 21st September 2011 and, as our themed days have been a huge success we chose to have a “day at the beach”. Unfortunately it poured from the heavens therefore we were forced to stay indoors. This did not dampen our spirits – we had allsorts of beach accessories placed around the unit with burgers, hotdog rolls, ice cream cones and various other “munchies” while we listened, sang along and, danced to John’s arrangement of “summer hits”. It may have been a wet, dreary day outside but it was a bright, fun filled day inside.

We celebrated “older person’s day” by creating an old sweet shop display of residents favourite, “quarter pound” or “two ounce” sweets. We had numerous bags of old time favourite sweets for the residents to taste. Tweed Unit had a backdrop with Charlie and the chocolate factory with Whim displaying the Hansel and Gretel cottage. It brought back a lot of memories for the residents and our younger care staff were fascinated by the stories told.

These days are not only great fun but they also remind us all of the importance of preserving peoples dignity and their right to be cared for as an individual.

click here for more details or to contact St Philips Care Group