Dignity Action Day (night) was a great success again this year! Families, friends attended also our local Councillor Maxine Smith and Social Workers.
Three residents sang their favourite songs with one residents not only singing but writing it as well. A member of staff got in the swing of things and had a go herself.
The Open Gate Puppet Show was amazing and everyone was transfixed followed by the Highland Dancers, of whom bought back vivid memories of residents childhoods.
There was name the baby and Thomas’s friend with a fantastic raffle with contributions from local shops, residents families and staff from the Catalina.
The Cook, who did us proud, made a scrumptious buffet which went down a treat with everyone.
There was fantastic support for this event, on the night the home was packed with residents, their families, guests and children with everyone enjoying the evening. As the evening wore on and children were getting tired the Superman song miraculously boomed out (staff didn’t plan it to get the Manager! Oh no, they wouldn’t do that! Would they!). So ended the night doing actions to SUPERMAN!!!
The purpose of this Dignity Action Day Event was to promote the dignity of service users in the care environment, and Catalina Residential Home was the furthest north care setting from Glasgow to register for this nation wide event.
Massive thank you to Caroline and Claire, the Cook and all the other staff who gave up their own time to make the night exceptional.
click here for more details or to contact St Philips Care Group