Log my Care is the is the easiest way to get a residential care home up and running with electronic care planning. The new system has been developed by carers for carers and has been specifically designed to overcome the challenging amounts of administration and paperwork involved in delivering residential care. “We saw first-hand what a burden paperwork still is for care homes and set out to build a system that makes care planning and recording so simple it can be used by anyone” Sam Hussain, Log my Care Founder.
Log my Care tackles the problems involved in planning and delivery by splitting into two different parts. The first is a nifty smartphone app, which carers use to record at the point of care. This shows their daily to-do list, letting them know what they need to do and when. It enables better care delivery with features such as adding a 2nd signature for two-person activities and helps improve care by notifying carers if any of their tasks are overdue.
During the research phase, Log my Care found that some frontline carers were apprehensive to adopt new technology. As a result, Log my Care was built from the ground up to empower carers, use existing hardware already in place and help them to deliver better care. ‘The Carer App’ helps carers create care notes in the quickest possible way. This is achieved via a series of icons and intuitive questions. In a matter of taps from the carer, a full care record is created. This saves a huge amount of time and helps to overcome limitations with English and grammar in care records, which the Care Quality Commission (CQC) have been known to raise during inspections.
“The Carer App makes my job so much easier, I don’t have to stay behind after my shift anymore to catch up” Lucy, Carer.
The second part is ‘The Care Office’.
This is a web portal created to give Managers and Owners the simplest way of coordinating the delivery of care across the whole home. It helps to set care standards, provide an audit-trail and reduces repetitive administration tasks, freeing up time for more important activities.
“It’s been really great moving from paper to Log my Care, I can see from my computer what’s happened today and what I need to chase” Jill, Manager With the UK care sector under severe financial pressures, Log my Care has taken the decision to make the core system completely free.
This coupled with clever features like 2-factor authentication means care homes don’t need to spend large amounts on hardware and can use any smartphone, saving costs from the outset.
“There’s been such a squeeze on the financials recently that we actually moved back to paper from another care system, whose monthly costs weren’t actually covering themselves. With Log my Care we’ve been able to use existing mobiles and integrate into our processes without any outlay, this is incredible and has saved us costs on paper, storage and hardware” Nigel, Care Home Owner Most care systems on the market claim to save frontline care staff time.
However, in Log my Care’s first homes, they reported a saving of 2 hours of time per staff member each day. This is huge, however unsurprising. As after working in the industry for a number of years, the team realised that no one had made a care management system designed to cater for the different day to day requirements of carers, care managers and care home owners. They decided to take up the challenge and decided to make absolutely everything about Log my Care as simple as possible.
Log my Care can be up and running in your care home in a matter of minutes. To find out more and start using the system for free, then visit www.LogmyCare.co.uk to start saving immediately.
Log my Care is the new, free and easy way to get your care home using electronic care plans in just a few minutes. We’ve worked directly with carers, managers and care-home owners to create a system that helps everyone in residential care to do their jobs better. To top it off, we’re always improving the Log my Care system, with more features to help you provide the best care possible. To find out more or get the care management system in your home, visit www.LogmyCare.co.uk What are you waiting for? Get logging! Press Contact Alex Sorisi Head of Marketing Alex@logmycare.co.uk 020 8144 6305 Log my Care, Health Foundry, 1 Royal Street, London SE1 7LL