The circus comes to town for Residents at Leeming Garth

Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 @ 00:00 AM

Residents at HC-One’s Leeming Garth Care Home in Leeming Bar, North Yorkshire, found themselves in the middle of a circus when Marko the clown paid them a visit and they couldn’t be happier.

Marko the clown demonstrated his juggling techniques, spinning plates and making balloon models.

During the performance, Residents joined in and were spinning the plates with their hands and feet - something they couldn’t believe that they could do.

Everyone enjoyed the experience and commented:

“Marko was amazing and so funny, we couldn’t stop laughing!”

Lorna Burn, Home Manager at Leeming Garth, commented:

“This was Marko’s first visit to Leeming Garth, but it certainly won’t be his last!

I have never seen our Resident’s so engrossed and they all had such a great time.”