A Palatial Valentine experience

Last Updated: 17 Feb 2021 @ 00:00 AM

Staff and residents at Fountains  were treated to a Valentine’s themed talk and tour of Blenheim Palace, hosted by Antonia Keaney, the Palace’s social historian and author as part of their Valentine celebrations.

Intriguingly entitled ‘The Ladies of Blenheim Palace, Lust and Laudanum’ Antonia’s Valentine’s themed talk focused on the lives and loves of the ladies of the Marlborough family, usually overlooked in favour of the men. 

Beginning with Sarah Churchill, the indomitable First Duchess, and continuing through the centuries with the adventures and mishaps of some of her successors, the talk also looked at the achievements of some of the women and discussed the thwarted talents and potential of others.

Our residents thoroughly enjoyed it.

click here for more details or to contact Barchester Fountains Care Home