Beacon Status Gold Standards Framework - Camelot House and Lodge

Recipient: Camelot House and Lodge

Date: Friday 30 Sep 2016


The National Gold Standards Framework Centre (GSF) help doctors, nurses and care assistants provide the highest possible standard of care for all patients who may be in the last years of life. It does this by providing these key health and social care professionals with the training they need to provide co-ordinated, joined up care, so that no matter what stage of their illness your relative or loved is at, or where they are being cared for, everyone involved in their care knows about their wishes and is best prepared to ensure they are fulfilled. GSF helps link together all of the people who provide this care and enables them to ensure that the care is 'cross boundary', preventing people from falling through the cracks.

To qualify for accreditation, care homes must have undertaken the full GSFCH training programme over 9 months, embedded this into their homes for at least 6 months and then undertaken a rigorous accreditation process 'Going for Gold’.

The accreditation process includes:

Assessment against 20 clear standards of best practice
Reviewing the care of residents using the After Death Analysis Audit Tool
Quality Assessment Visit – reviewing the integration of the processes into everyday practice.

To be recognised as a beacon, a home must show innovative and established good practice across at least 12 of the standards.