Gold Standards Framework Re-accreditation Platinum Award - The Garth (Residential & Nursing Home)

Recipient: The Garth (Residential & Nursing Home)

Date: Friday 28 Sep 2018

Re: Congratulations on your success in attaining the GSF Care Homes Re Accreditation Quality Hallmark Award

We are delighted to inform you that you have successfully completed the GSF Care Homes Re Accreditation Assessment Round 14, 2018, and have been awarded the Quality Hallmark Award at Platinum status, which recognises the sustained practice to maintain GSF in your home. This has replaced the previous grading system of pass, commend and beacon but your report includes areas of excellence.
• Small friendly welcoming home with a new manager in post who has extensive experience in End of Life care along with a supportive proprietor and staff who are clearly passionate about providing excellent care.
Do not have agency staff; home covers in house with their own members of staff.
• Strong leadership from proprietor and manager. Staff feel supported.
• Clear visions for moving forward, always looking at how to develop, improve and do things better.
We would like to congratulate you and the staff on your success and thank you for all the hard work you have put into continuing this work. A full report is enclosed and is available.
If you would like to read this report please ask a member of staff.