23 Dec 2014
School children from St Clement’s C of E Primary School have donned high visibility vests and hard hats for a visit to the site of a new leading care home in Worcester. The site in St John’s in Worcester is the location of Sanctuary.....
22 Dec 2014
A barrister specialising in human rights and criminal law, has warned that putting covert surveillance in care homes, would be a “legal minefield” for both care home providers and for individuals wanting to monitor their friend or.....
19 Dec 2014
A six bedroom unit specifically designed and built for people with dementia has been opened at NorseCare’s residential care home St Nicholas House in Norfolk. The unit has been made possible because of a.....
19 Dec 2014
Housing and support charity for older people, The Abbeyfield Society are running a campaign to help prevent older people from being lonely and isolated this Christmas. The Coping at Christmas campaign is in its fifth year and.....
18 Dec 2014
Around £5,000 has been raised by healthcare professionals attending industry events hosted by DP Events since the summer, for The Care Workers Charity. The most recent two day forum held at the Grange St.....
18 Dec 2014
England’s care regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), has revealed the extent of failures recorded at Calderstones NHS Trust, which includes a number of abusive practices that adults with learning disabilities have been subject.....
18 Dec 2014
Four Seasons Health Care’s Marlborough Court Care Home has been awarded a £5,000 bursary so it can continue offering yoga and meditation therapy to residents. Residents living at Marlborough Court Care Home.....
18 Dec 2014
Keen care home catering staff and chefs have until 6 Feb 2015 to enter the 15th annual National Association of Care Catering’s Care Cook of the Year competition. Entrants must design and cook a tasty and nutritionally balanced.....
18 Dec 2014
Residents of Lewin House, in Aylesbury, have been able to enjoy a supermarket shopping experience within the comforts of the home, after owners decided new options were needed to make Christmas shopping for loved ones easier. Partnering.....
17 Dec 2014
There are 10 million people within the UK suffering from hearing loss, of those, more than 6 million are over 65 whilst the rest are working age and a further 800,000 are deaf, according to Action on Hearing Loss. A.....
16 Dec 2014
What does today’s care home do if either it fails to meet statutory requirements or is running into financial problems? Admit that all is not well and seek professional help is the smart solution. A growing breed of management.....
16 Dec 2014
A snowy landscape scene painted by a care home resident at Colten Care’s Lymington home has been selected as the Christmas card design for the groups Belmore Lodge. The painting, completed by resident and.....
15 Dec 2014
The care home group, PrimeLife, has launched a new and updated whistleblowing policy as part of its ‘zero tolerance’ approach to abuse and neglect. The new policy, which encourages friends, family and residents.....
15 Dec 2014
Almost 400,000 older people are concerned about being lonely this Christmas in the UK alone according to research conducted by Age UK. A further 2.5 million older people revealed that they were not looking forward to Christmas.....
12 Dec 2014
Residents at the Prince Michael of Kent Court care home in Watford have been enjoying a new dementia café within the home. The care home, owned and managed by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI).....
12 Dec 2014
Military forces, celebrities and sports teams have backed a charity campaign urging people to sponsor a puppy this Christmas to raise funds to train dogs for people who are deaf. Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.....
12 Dec 2014
Up to 21 million people in the UK have friends or family living with Alzheimer’s disease or some form of dementia affecting their memory, communication, thought and personality. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, there will be.....
11 Dec 2014
Residents living at Bield Springbank Gardens in Falkirk have been participating in a new exercise class, allowing them to get fit, and feel healthier. The exercise class takes place on a weekly basis and was initially started.....
10 Dec 2014
Talking about bereavement remains a taboo for many people in Britain, according to a new study. The research published by the Dying Matters Coalition revealed 47 per cent of people in Britain feel uncomfortable.....
10 Dec 2014
The Big Lottery Fund has awarded the charity, Action on Elder Abuse a new £2 million National Lottery grant to help and offer support to thousands of older people who are at risk of hidden abuse at the hands of care workers or relatives. The.....
10 Dec 2014
As the UK has its first weather warnings and temperatures drop, a campaign to protect the most vulnerable over winter has been launched in Wandsworth. The Winter Warmer Campaign is providing free warmer packs for older and disabled.....
09 Dec 2014
A care home in Bolton has received support from a specialist company that creates and supplies disability aids. Grange Lea care home provides residential care for older people with Alzheimer’s, physical disabilities and decreased.....
08 Dec 2014
Residents from a Dorset care home have participated in the maiden voyage of NASA’s Orion space capsule. The Colten Care home in Brockenhurst in the New Forest submitted residents’ names to NASA to be featured.....
08 Dec 2014
Wide variations in the way complaints are dealt with across the NHS, primary care and adult social care services in England could be putting people off from making complaints about bad experiences. The Care.....
05 Dec 2014
The charity, Papworth Trust is celebrating International Volunteer Day with a thank you to its volunteers for giving up more than 48,000 hours of their time in the last year, to help older people and people living with disabilities. Papworth.....
04 Dec 2014
The Chancellor of the Exchequer announced a number of plans to benefit health and care services as part of the Autumn Statement. George Osborne announced plans to invest a further £2 billion into the NHS in England during 2015.....
04 Dec 2014
As part of the Autumn Statement yesterday, the Chancellor George Osborne announced that there will be an extra £2 billion every year until 2020 for the NHS. A positive step forward of course, but we all.....
03 Dec 2014
Prime Minister David Cameron and members of the cabinet have become Dementia Friends as part of the Alzheimer’s Society’s national initiative to increase awareness. Participating in a Dementia Friends information session, Cabinet.....
03 Dec 2014
Care UK is encouraging carers and families of people with dementia to use Christmas to create opportunities for reminiscence about past festive times. Maizie Mears-Owens, Care UK’s head of dementia services,.....
02 Dec 2014
A team of historians have provided a stimulating history workshop aimed at promoting reminiscence in older residents at The Gables care home. During the event residents learned about the history of Early.....