Care Home News

Violence and aggression in care homes: Care workers getting punched isn't 'part of the job'

30 May 2018

“He had her against the wall with a knife to her throat” says a relative describing how vascular dementia dramatically changed his uncle’s behaviour. However violence “always has a trigger” says an Alzheimer’s Society trainer who.....

Lack of nuns forces Scottish care home to close

25 May 2018

A shortage of nuns is forcing a care home in Edinburgh run by the Little Sisters of the Poor to close. St Joseph’s House has cared for older people in the Scottish capital for 155 years, but due to the decline.....

Care and housing providers Anchor and Hanover to create 'new, bigger organisation'

24 May 2018

Anchor and Hanover are in talks over merging to become a single organisation, that would be the largest provider of specialist housing and care for older people in England. The burgeoning population of older.....

Care home residents learn how to become lean, mean, fighting machines

24 May 2018

Residents at a care home in Derbyshire took part in an armchair karate session led by world champions Oliver Bonnington and Rees Beardshaw, helping them to keep mentally alert and regain their strength and movement. The.....

Corbyn tells PM: 'Private sector care providers are letting down elderly'

23 May 2018

Prime Minister Theresa May was told to put care over profit by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in a heated exchange of views in the House of Commons. During Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) on 23 May, Jeremy.....

Nutritional tips for people living with dementia

22 May 2018

People with dementia often forget to eat and drink and can become disinterested in food, with the malnutrition and dehydration that ensues causing even more damage to the person’s physical and mental state. With.....

Dementia gardener says: 'We take favourite plants of residents to their bedside'

21 May 2018

For the current generation living with dementia in care homes, gardens have a key role in reminiscence therapy. Charles Hubberstey is the head gardener at Colten Care Ltd and oversees all twenty of the homes'.....

Royal wedding? Are we coping? Even Harry took time out for Mental Health Awareness Week

18 May 2018

Prince Harry may be marrying Meghan Markle but he still took time out to focus on Mental Health Awareness Week (May 14-20). Just days before his wedding, the voices of Prince Harry and his brother, the Duke.....

Transformative power of music soothes care home residents

18 May 2018

Care home entertainment can often be met with helpless passivity but musician Nina Clark takes residents on a musical journey which creates "unexpected, delightful results". In 2014, Ms Clark began singing.....

Famous tennis club teams up with care home residents

16 May 2018

A famous tennis club is supporting talented youngsters by partnering with a care home chain and giving club access to those in residential, nursing and dementia care. Money raised from the project will support young players seeking.....

Senior nurses 'remove taboo' of therapy pets on hospitals wards

15 May 2018

Hospital wards have been given the go ahead to accept animals and especially therapy dogs onto hospital wards and other healthcare settings, by senior nurses. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has published.....

Laughter yoga really is the best medicine for care home residents

15 May 2018

Life is better when you're laughing, but can it help you live longer too? Once a month, residents at Bishopstown Court care home in Cork, Ireland, have been taking part in laughter yoga - a therapeutic alternative.....

Care home insolvencies rise by 83% in a year

14 May 2018

The number of care homes going bust in 2017-2018 rose by 83 per cent. The period 2016-2017 saw 81 homes become insolvent, whilst 2017-2018 had 148. These figures have been attributed to a variety of.....

Hunt urged to fix 'broken' care system that left person wearing same pyjamas for a year

11 May 2018

The revelation that a person was left wearing the same pyjamas for a year is one of many “damning” findings uncovered in a report by charities who are urging health and social care secretary Jeremy Hunt to establish a ‘properly funded'.....

Aura Care Living appoints managing director

11 May 2018

The 48-year-old, who has over four years’ experience in the care sector and 25 years in the luxury hospitality industry, will oversee operations across Aura Care’s properties and work with onsite teams to deliver exceptional service. “I.....

Mum pleads for Huntington's cure for three children with life-changing brain disease

10 May 2018

A mother’s ‘handsome young man always with a girl on his arm’ began ‘drinking heavily’ after his Huntington’s diagnosis at 18. Her daughter Lizzie can no longer swallow, walk or talk and her youngest Jonathan wants to ‘go on living.....

Tributes paid as husband reveals Dame Barbara Windsor has Alzheimer's

10 May 2018

Actress Dame Barbara Windsor has been living with Alzheimer’s disease for four years, her husband has said. Dame Barbara, aged 80, has lived with the condition since she was diagnosed in 2014 and her husband.....

MPs say a PR campaign will fix 'negative perceptions of care'

09 May 2018

An advertising campaign designed to challenge ‘negative perceptions of care’ must be launched by the Government to stop low morale in the care sector, a cross party committee of MPs has said. MPs, who are.....

UK should think like Japanese and 'learn from' their social care

09 May 2018

England’s social care system could learn a thing or two from the Japanese way of giving care, according to a leading health think tank. 'Transparency' of Japan's system When it comes.....

Nursing fellowship graduate reduces care home falls by a third

04 May 2018

The clinical manager of a group of south coast care homes has won a prestigious merit award on a nursing fellowship course, and in the process helped one care home dramatically reduce falls by a third. Lindsay.....

Children help care home residents pimp up bland zimmer frames

03 May 2018

Children from a school in Wrexham have been bringing colour and glamour to the lives of residents at a care home by pimping up their bland zimmer frames. Customising residents’ steel walking frames enables.....

Former police officer to become boss of CQC

02 May 2018

Ian Trenholm, chief executive of NHS Blood and Transport has been named as the new head of the Care Quality Commission. Mr Trenholm began his career as a police officer and has also held posts as chief operating.....