Care Home News

UK could have its first 'LGBT-friendly' care village by 2020

30 Oct 2015

Homophobia can be a real problem in care homes and people who have been 'out' all their lives feel forced to hide their sexuality and keep it a secret. A survey carried out last year by Nottingham University.....

Care homes urged to use cultural reminiscence in dementia care of ethnic minorities

30 Oct 2015

A performer croons the words: “But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day…” and swiftly transports foot-tapping care home residents back to an era when war-time singer, Vera Lynn sang her song of solidarity to Britains in The Blitz. But.....

Supporting the delivery of high-quality compassionate care using nurse call systems

30 Oct 2015

The safety of residents of a care home should be of paramount importance to all staff. Care homes implement a number of measures to ensure residents remain safe and secure at all times, these can range from surveillance systems to.....

Young Onset Dementia: 'We need to dwell on the things we can do, not on the things we can't'

29 Oct 2015

At the age of 61, Chris Norris was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia – an unusual type of dementia that affects around 16,000 people in Britain. Frontotemporal dementia tends to affect the frontal and.....

CQC launches discussion in to the future of regulations

29 Oct 2015

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published a new discussion paper detailing the decisions it is faced with, when changes are to make to ensure that high-quality health and social care is delivered to those who need it. The.....

Sonnet Care Homes pledges to pay care home workers above National Living Wage

27 Oct 2015

Braintree based Sonnet Care Homes has announced its decision to increase rates of pay to a minimum of £7.25, ahead of the Government’s introduction of the National Living Wage of £7.20. Staff at The New.....

Dementia drug delays older people's need for care homes

27 Oct 2015

People with Alzheimer’s can stay in their own homes longer and delay their move to a care home, as long they take donepezil, research reveals. A 12-month study by University College London (UCL), published.....

The burgeoning workforce troubles of the health and social care sector

26 Oct 2015

The Home Office announced in October that temporarily nurses would be added to the Shortage Occupations List. This marked a U-turn on their previous position, which came after significant pressure from leading industry bodies. The.....

Government risks creating 'two-tier care home system' with good care only available to people with money

26 Oct 2015

The Government risks creating a ‘two-tier care home system where good care is only available to those who can pay for it', warns the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The social policy research charity has published.....

Virtual reality maze could predict onset of Alzheimer's disease

23 Oct 2015

Alzheimer's disease could be detected years before the onset using a virtual reality maze, according to research published in the journal Science. The study, led by Lukas Kunz of the German Centre for Neurodegenerative.....

People with dementia urged to stay active when clocks change

23 Oct 2015

The Alzheimer’s Society is urging people with dementia and their care workers to resist the temptation to ‘hibernate’ after the clocks go back this weekend. Remaining active throughout the winter and being.....

Woman needed toes amputated after care home bath scalding

23 Oct 2015

A young woman had to have all her toes amputated and is now wheelchair bound after the care home looking after her put the woman in a scalding hot bath. Thirty-two-year-old Nicola Jones suffered burns on.....

Mediterranean diet could slow brain ageing

22 Oct 2015

Following a Mediterranean diet may be associated with losing fewer brain cells caused by ageing, according to new research published in the journal ‘American Academy of Neurology’. A study of people with an average age of 80 showed.....

Super-smeller Gran who sniffs out Parkinson’s could have found secret to diagnosing the disease

22 Oct 2015

A research study has been launched to find out if people’s skin odour could hold the secret to diagnosing Parkinson’s, after a Scottish grandma was able to identify the disease through sniffing their t-shirts. In.....

UK launches world's largest clinical trial into effect of aspirin on cancer prevention

22 Oct 2015

The world’s largest clinical trial has been launched in the UK to examine whether aspirin can delay or prevent cancers from returning. The Add-Aspirin study will attempt to determine whether a daily dose of aspirin, taken over.....

Parliament told to defend the dying's right to round the clock care

22 Oct 2015

Around-the-clock palliative care is a dying person’s right which parliament must defend says the Marie Curie charity, ahead of a debate on the Access to Palliative Care Bill. The charity has called for ‘parliamentary.....

Sunrise Senior Living introduces 'dementia-friendly' crockery

21 Oct 2015

Care home provider, Sunrise Senior Living, has been working with pottery manufacturers to develop a new range of dementia friendly crockery. Many people with dementia have problems with their sight which can make eating and drinking.....

Drug firms and Government invest £65m in dementia fund

21 Oct 2015

The UK Government and major pharmaceutical companies are investing £65m ($100m) in a global fund to develop new treatments for dementia. The UK Government and six drug companies namely GlaxoSmithKline.....

Age UK reveals 'destructive vicious circle' in health and social care for older people

21 Oct 2015

The health and social care system for older people in England is under severe stress and underperforming, leading to higher costs, poorer health outcomes and worse service user experiences, warns Age UK. The.....

Ed Sheeran unveils dementia unit in his name but residents decline a sing song

21 Oct 2015

Residents at a care home passed up the chance for a sing song with the world-famous singer Ed Sheeran who cut the ribbon on a dementia unit named in his honour. The international singer Ed Sheeran may have.....

Third sector to the rescue: how a charity saved a small failing care home

20 Oct 2015

As a result of the charity's takeover, not only were the residents at a Yorkshire residential home for people with learning disabilities saved the trauma of having to move out, but under new management staffing levels more than doubled.....

Uber launches new service for disabled passengers needing extra help

20 Oct 2015

Uber has launched an option on its taxi-hailing app for people with disabilities in London who need extra assistance. A hundred of Uber’s most experienced drivers have signed up to the new service called.....

NICE publish guidelines on delaying and preventing dementia in later life

20 Oct 2015

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has launched recommendations on approaches in mid-life to delay or prevent the onset of dementia, disability and frailty in later life. The report,.....

Pharmacy fined for selling older people's data to lottery hoaxers

20 Oct 2015

Thousands of older and vulnerable people’s confidential data has been sold on to fraudsters by a pharmacy. The UK's largest NHS-approved online pharmacy Pharmacy 2U has been fined £130,000 by the Information.....

Third oldest woman in Wales born during Suffragette movement talks about her life in a care home

19 Oct 2015

Hilda Roberts, who has just turned 107, was born in the run up to the first World War - at a time when the Suffragettes were campaigning for women to have the right to vote, King Edward VII was on the throne and steam trains dominated.....

Which? exposes postcode lottery for residential care funding

19 Oct 2015

New research from the consumer organisation Which? reveals a postcode lottery for care funding, with local authorities in the south paying much more for long-term care compared to the north. Not surprisingly, this has prompted renewed.....

Manchester City and United football legends take part in reminiscence event for people with dementia

19 Oct 2015

Football legends, Lou Macari, former star of Manchester United, Celtic and Scotland and Alex Williams, former Manchester City goalkeeper, took part in a special reminiscence event helping people with dementia reconnect with their.....

Ideal Carehomes pays 30p an hour above living wage

19 Oct 2015

Ideal Carehomes has begun paying its staff 30p per hour more than the living wage, resulting in a 15 per cent pay rise for its lowest paid. The national minimum wage reached £6.70 per hour this month but.....

Care Minister tells providers to innovate to make ends meet as he can't promise extra funding

16 Oct 2015

Care Minister Alistair Burt has told social care providers to be innovative in finding efficiencies because he can’t guarantee more funding. Delegates on the third and final day of the annual National Children.....

Government announces changes to restrictions on recruiting nurses from overseas

16 Oct 2015

The Government has revealed temporary changes to restrictions on recruiting overseas nurses to ensure care homes and NHS care provisions have adequate staffing levels. Nurses will be added to the Government’s.....