My relative was placed at Merecroft in 2017 and has recently had to move
under a safeguarding plan (Jan 2021). As a family we are so relieved she
is no longer living there, but she now requires a lot of therapy and
health interventions since she has left the service with more behaviours
of concern and complex needs than she has ever had in her life. None of
the care staff you ever speak to have any idea about how to communicate
with or support people with autism or learning disabilities, despite the
service being advertised as a specialist. Staff leave in drones
constantly, they are never consistent and are not given the training
they need to support people properly or understand/ manage self-harm or
aggression etc. which is dangerous for all involved. The leadership is
non-existent and management never investigate concerns properly or get
back to you when they say they will - they only try to cover things up.
Personally, I would not trust Midway Care to look after my dog properly!
Latest Reviews for Merecroft
19 February 2021
My relative was placed at Merecroft in 2017 and has recently had to move
under a safeguarding plan (Jan 2021). As a family we are so relieved she
is no longer living there, but she now requires a lot of therapy and
health interventions since she has left the service with more behaviours
of concern and complex needs than she has ever had in her life. None of
the care staff you ever speak to have any idea about how to communicate
with or support people with autism or learning disabilities, despite the
service being advertised as a specialist. Staff leave in drones
constantly, they are never consistent and are not given the training
they need to support people properly or understand/ manage self-harm or
aggression etc. which is dangerous for all involved. The leadership is
non-existent and management never investigate concerns properly or get
back to you when they say they will - they only try to cover things up.
Personally, I would not trust Midway Care to look after my dog properly!