Avoid, dangerous! My father was not cared for. He was given an extra
£4000 per week to give him a one-to-one carer until he was moved to a
home that was dementia specialist (although this home read his report
while he was in the hospital and said they could cope with his complex
dementia needs). My father was left by himself, got out of a secure
building, fractured his elbow and with a severe head injury he found
himself in a car park where thankfully a member of the public took him
to the local surgery. He was taken to the hospital. It was deemed not
safe to return him back to this home as he clearly was only there to
take the money not to care for him. We viewed this home before he
arrived, we were told they could deal with his needs. This home they
tried to charge the new home £150 to deliver! I collected them. After
all of this, we have never heard from this home, even when I have tried
to lodge a complaint! If you care for your family member stay away, evil!
Latest Reviews for Lyme Regis Nursing Home
05 May 2023
Avoid, dangerous! My father was not cared for. He was given an extra
£4000 per week to give him a one-to-one carer until he was moved to a
home that was dementia specialist (although this home read his report
while he was in the hospital and said they could cope with his complex
dementia needs). My father was left by himself, got out of a secure
building, fractured his elbow and with a severe head injury he found
himself in a car park where thankfully a member of the public took him
to the local surgery. He was taken to the hospital. It was deemed not
safe to return him back to this home as he clearly was only there to
take the money not to care for him. We viewed this home before he
arrived, we were told they could deal with his needs. This home they
tried to charge the new home £150 to deliver! I collected them. After
all of this, we have never heard from this home, even when I have tried
to lodge a complaint! If you care for your family member stay away, evil!