The staff at Aldbourne Nursing Home facilitated a Zoom Diamond
Anniversary Celebration for my grandparents today. This was after having
arranged a silver service lunch, specifically for them, during the day.
I am immensely grateful for this, it made my day to be able to talk to
my grandparents to celebrate their anniversary. Similarly, I think they
were delighted to have been able to talk to their family on their
special day.
Latest Reviews for Aldbourne Nursing Home
28 July 2020
The staff at Aldbourne Nursing Home facilitated a Zoom Diamond
Anniversary Celebration for my grandparents today. This was after having
arranged a silver service lunch, specifically for them, during the day.
I am immensely grateful for this, it made my day to be able to talk to
my grandparents to celebrate their anniversary. Similarly, I think they
were delighted to have been able to talk to their family on their
special day.